chapter xv.

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I noticed everything. I just acted like I didn't

- unknown


After our meeting almost a week ago, Tom has had us all meeting every night at the same time and place to go over the plans as well as questioning me about any information that I may remember. 

Tomorrow winter break will start and I will be leaving with the group to stay at Malfoy's manor. I tried arguing my way out of staying there but nothing I could say would sway Tom's decision. 

With only a day now I decided that my meeting with professor Dumbledore will have to happen tonight. Getting information from him will help me prepare for what may come with Tom and hopefully give me answers to the questions I had from our last interaction. 

It may be a little harder though to sneak away from Tom since he has been keeping a closer eye on me. He knows I won't do anything because of the hold he has on Annalie but he won't risk taking the chance. So that is why I will be talking to Dumbledore after my class with him. 

I will have to make the conversation short enough so that I won't raise the suspicion of Tom, but I won't need much time. I have a couple questions and as long as Dumbledore is willing to tell them then nothing should go wrong. 

I am still in Potions class and it seems professor Slughorn has chosen today to hold the class behind for longer than usual. I keep staring at the clock checking to make sure I will have enough time to talk to him before we run out of time. 

While glancing at the clock for the fourth time in the last minute I feel a pair of eyes watching me- I return my gaze away from the clock not bothering to look at the source. It would be pointless because I already know who's watching me. After another minute of the gaze not lessening off of me I give in and turn my head towards him. 

As expected Tom has his head turned in my direction and he is paying close attention to me. We hold each other's gaze for a few moments before I break away and look forward towards professor Slughorn just as he excuses the class for the day. 

In a hurry I gather my items and stand up- I quickly glance where Tom should be and see that he has already left. Good, now I can get to Dumbledore faster without raising any questions from him. As I passed through the door I immediately set out towards Professor Dumbledore's classroom. 

I pass through a couple halls and have just turned around another corner when my elbow is harshly grabbed and I'm pinned against the wall. I am about to yell but am stopped when I see him standing over me- still holding onto my arm. 

"Going somewhere?" Tom asks harshly, I suck in a deep breath and try to pull my arm from his grasp but his grasp doesn't budge. 

"No." I reply as I keep my features from giving away any indication of my lie. Although by the way Tom's lip tugs up in a smirk I doubt I convinced him. 


"I have no idea what you are talking about- I was on my way to the courtyard to study." I replied quickly coming up with the first response I could think of on the spot. 

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