chapter iii.

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Tell me every terrible

thing you ever did,

and let me love you anyway.



We are finally home. The feeling of seeing hogwarts is a relief. Like a puzzle with that one missing piece, and when you find it everything feels complete.

Annalie's mother was kind enough to let me stay with them over the summer. I have never had a great relationship with my parents.

When I got my letter they were beyond ecstatic. Hoping I would enter the same house as them, Gryffindor. Then they got my letter announcing I was placed into Hufflepuff.

They might as well had said to not bother coming home, to them I was a disappointment.

Annalie's mother had become the mother I wanted, and she treated me like a second daughter. I have always been grateful for her and annalie.

"Atarah are you coming or do you plan to walk?" Annalie speaks breaking my thoughts, I glance to her direction where she is already sitting on the carriage.

I climb up and join her, since we were one of the last ones to leave the train we had to take the last carriage.

As we are starting to move we hear someone yell for the carriage to stop. Glancing in the direction of the two boys.

Abraxas Malfoy is noticeable with his ice blonde hair and next to him Francis Avery. Shivers run through my body as they climb up and sit across from us.

Recalling the events of the night a few days ago. I avoid their gaze which lies on us.

"What do you two want?" Annalie shoots at the boys across from us. Their mouth open slightly in shock at her raising her voice.

"Nothing sweetheart" Malfoy says back to her, annalie scoffs and turns away from them. Why was this the year we had our first interaction with them.

I would have been fine with never having talked with them. What was different this year?

"Slytherins are having a party tonight, maybe you two should join us." Avery speaks up to us. Annalie glances at me for a second before letting out a soft laugh.

"You want hufflepuffs to come to the party?" Annalie says mockingly to the two. She has always been the bolder one of us.

Not afraid to let others know how she feels. I envy that about her, her confidence, her beauty.

"Only the hot ones." Abraxas Malfoy replies to her with a wink. Annalie scoffs at the two and turns her head away from them.

They seemed to enjoy her reaction, as if that's what they wanted. Throughout the rest of the ride they luckily left us alone.

At least this time they had decided to leave me be. They had acted as if I wasn't sitting across from them. Their eyes rested on Annalie and only on her.

As we arrived to the entrance at hogwarts we walked in. Following Annalie we reach the great hall, heading in the direction of the Hufflepuff table.

We sit down and wait for the first years to be introduced, one by one they enter. Seeing their eyes light up with hope and happiness.

Seeing it in their eyes as if It was me, I will miss that. As usual we watch them all get sorted in the houses, and seeing them being welcomed by each.

Seeing those who are happy with the house they were sorted into and the ones who were disappointed.

Not too long after they are sorted we are allowed to eat, Annalie and I sit and eat laughing along with the others near us.

I don't want this to end, moments like these are what makes everything feel right.

"Did you want to go to that party?" Annalie asks me looking up from her food. I had forgotten about the offer and I didn't think she would seriously consider it.

"We're you really considering going?" I ask her in shock, I mean it's crazy. There is no way there are good intentions there, I don't trust them.

It's dangerous, playing with fire. One mistake and everything comes down.

"Well I was maybe going to consider it. I mean when will we ever have the chance to go to a party like this again?" Annalie replies to me as she wears a pleading look.

"If you want to go I will go with you, but promise that we will stick by each other's sides all night." I reply to Annalie who is now smiling.

"Promise!" Annalie shouts a little two loudly as she hold out her pinky to shake with mine.

"I will find out more information about the party and let you know." Annalie replies before finishing her food.

As everyone starts to leave the great hall Annalie separates from me to find out more information. I decide to start walking towards the common room in the mean time.

As I am walking I feel a set of eyes following each movement I made. I shift uncomfortably as I walk, the eyes piercing me the farther I go.

I give in and turn around, meeting with the dark eyes I see each night.

I feel myself losing myself in his eyes, pulling me in closer and closer. It hurts.

The corner of his lip lifts up slightly in disgust - and just like I am back to reality.

I let out a breath of relief and turn around to leave.

His eyes do not follow me now, leaving a cold absence where they had pierced me.

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