chapter xxvii.

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Tell them I was the warmest
place you knew and you
turned me cold.
- unknown


I stumble backwards as I behold who sits before me, and in doing so I feel my hands coat in a sticky liquid. Still warm. I immediately fight the urge to throw up when I register that I am now covered in my parents blood.

"I knew it was only a matter of time before you figured it out, Atarah." Dumbledore speaks the words carefully and with his other hand he reaches into his pocket and begins to pull out something. I gather enough strength to stand up and begin backing up, two arms are there after only a few steps- pulling me further away from Dumbledore.

Dumbeldore shoots us both a curious gaze before holding out the object for us to see. In his hand is a piece of metal- I study the jagged edges and suddenly understand what it is.

"When I originally found the locket- it took me several months to figure out what it was. Then I found a hole- the perfect size for a key. And then the visions came to me- at first only short flashes. Never enough for me to really see but then they became more clear. As soon as I saw the Bletchley home I made my way there, but they knew I was coming. I destroyed the house in hopes I would find the key." I hadn't realized how much I was shaking as I listened to those words until I felt the warmth of Tom's touch on my back.

I try to reel in my fear but as he continues speaking it becomes harder to do so. "So after I lost that lead I came up with another plan. To use you Atarah, I had already been keeping my eye on you in hopes you could lead me to your parents. But I thought it wouldn't lead anywhere since I knew you hadn't spoken to them in years. But then you came looking for them- and that was when I found my opportunity. I knew Riddle had been looking for the locket for some time so I gave it to you. Keeping an even closer eye on you both so you could lead me to the key."

I feel Tom go still at the new information- learning that I was given the locket and that Dumbledore knew I was working with him.

"So the moment I knew you figured it out I came straight here. I hadn't originally planned to kill Madeline and Charles but they just wouldn't give it up." A sob reaches my lips at those words. If Dumbledore heard me he doesn't show it. "But imagine my surprise when I killed them and got the key- only to realize it's only half of a key."

Dumbeldore's eyes flicker up to meet mine as if now again just realizing I am standing here. But as I look in his eyes I feel more scared than I have been before, anger and destruction ripple off of him.

"I knew you would be coming tonight.. so I waited for you because as I sat here I began to think. The Bletchley family is the only family to have had the key to power. And you are now the very last of your line. So the other half must be with you." As the words sink in I realize he plans to kill me- for something I don't even have.

Tom finally unfreezes from his trance as he hears the words- in a swift movement he steps in front of me as if to protect me. But I am not foolish enough to believe that, he wants the power as much as Dumbledore and right now Dumbledore is the only one threatening him from gaining it. Dumbeldore seems to realize this too and stands up from the chair quickly.

"I have been meaning to speak to you as well Mr.Riddle." He speaks the words so calmly, and for the first time since we got here I take my gaze away from Dumbeldore and look at Tom. "Is that so?" Tom spits out the words coating them in anger. "Now you have only recently begun looking for the power but I have been looking for over a decade. And now that I am so close I am willing to offer you a deal." With those words I begin backing away from both Tom and Dumbeldore.

Tom doesn't say anything else so dumbledore continues speaking, "You have become protective of Miss. Bletchley lately due to the information she holds but now both of us know the truth. So maybe we can come to an understanding that will benefit both of us. In exchange of course for Atarah." I begin shaking heavier as I see the cruel smile make its way to Dumbledore's lips. I suddenly stop moving as I notice the way Tom's head turns towards my direction slightly- only as if to acknowledge my presence.

"Am I to believe you would really hand over the key to me? Or that you would share any portion of that power?" Tom speaks slowly and with each word Dumbledore's lips thin out into a scowl. "I didn't think so." In a fast motion Tom pulls out his wand and aims it at Dumbledore, only a few words make their way out of his lips before Dumbeldore has his wand out as well.

Tom suddenly freezes up unable to move, dumbledore looks down upon Tom once before looking towards where I stand. "I guess I misjudged his reasoning for protecting you. You continue to surprise me Miss. Bletchley." I don't have time to think over the meaning of his words before he starts walking towards me .

A plan begins to form in my head as I look around the room, slowly I lower my head and move my hands behind my back. Dumbeldore lowers his wand to his side as he believes I will surrender so easily. Which I may have, but as I look down at the blood covering my body and the body's of my parents a few feet away- a new sort of power races through me.

"You have proved to be quite the asset in my search for power- but I fear you've helped me as much as you can." No remorse or sadness traces his words- showing how much of a monster he is.

He is now only a few steps away. Slowly I bring my head up and meet dumbledore. He stops abruptly as he sees the vengeance in my eyes. Before another moment can pass I lift my wand up and speak, effectively stunning him momentarily. I know a spell such as the one I spoke will not hold him for long but I need as much time as I can get.

I rush over to where Tom still stands, quickly I begin muttering counter curses. As the seconds go by I become more afraid. Finally one works that I know is commonly used for dark spells. Tom lets out a cough as he stumbles forward slightly. His eyes then race over my face before they are drawn to where Dumbeldore still stands. His eyes lift in question and suddenly I see Dumbledore begin to break from the spell.

"Get us out of here now." I breath out and without wasting anymore time Tom grabs ahold of my arm and pulls us through the house. We are racing down the walkway from the porch when I hear movement from behind us.

I have enough time to look back to see Dumbeldore begin to aim his wand at us. "Tom" I breathe out his name as I see the wand light up with power. And at that moment I feel the world rip away and the dizzying feeling of apparating.

After a few seconds we arrive in a place I do not recognize. Suddenly I feel myself fall towards the ground and a scream escapes me as pain overtakes my body.

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