chapter ii.

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I'm not enough I know,

So let me go.

It hurts to be half loved.

-Perry Poetry


I am sitting in the main room at the leaky cauldron reading a book. Every now and then I will glance up to check the time, 9:45 pm. Annalie has been gone for three hours now, and I am starting to get a little worried. I mean how long does it take to get a few herbs and books?

I glance back down at the book and a few minutes go by before I hear the door open and chatter along with it. My eyes drift up to a group of five boys who have now entered the leaky cauldron. I instantly recognize them from school, they are all in the same year as me, all slytherin.

As much as I would love to leave, I have to make sure that Annalie gets back safely. I try again to focus back on my book but the group of boys have now moved to a table near me. Their voices raising by each minute, their voices slurring as well. They are drunk.

"Hey you!" I hear someone shout from the table of boys, shifting my eyes towards them. I notice they are watching me now. "Yeah you! Come over here." They are all watching me very carefully, all except one who is occupied with several books that are laid out in front of him. I reluctantly stand up and walk over to the group of boys. Their eyes following my every movement.

Every atom in my body is telling me to run, but I ignore the warnings. "Now what's a beautiful lady like you doing here all alone?" A boy I recognize as Vittorio Rosier asks me. I take a deep breath and allow myself to smile. "I am waiting for a friend." I answer to the boys in front of me.

"Now where have I seen you before?" Another boy asks me whose name I believe is Francis Avery. Where is Annalie? I basically scream in my head. All panic flowing through me now. I have heard rumors and stories of the boys who sit before me.

Once again I shift slightly backward to allow more distance between us. "I'm sure you have seen me before around Hogwarts or in one of your classes." I explain to the boys and they respond with a couple nods in agreement.

"Which house are you in love?" Vittorio asks me, shooting me a smile. "Hufflepuff." I reply softy, causing the boys to erupt in laughter. All except one, the boy who still has not been bothered to tear his eyes away from the books to look at me.

Panic now rising, I hear the door open once more. Hoping to see her I spin around. Annalie is looking at me with a confused expression, glancing between me and the boys behind me. I send her a pleading look to help, and she immediately understands and walks to where I am.

"What's going on here?" Annalie asks, eyeing the boys. A few of them shift in their seats uncomfortably. "Nothing, just having a chat." Rosier replies eyeing Annalie up and down.

"I didnt happen to catch either of your names." Abraxas Malfoy speaks up. "My name is Annalie and this is Atarah." She replies quickly. "Now if you don't mind we have to go." Annalie then grabs my arm and leads me towards the stairs.

I turn back around once more to see the boys have already preoccupied themselves with the bartender, trying to get more drinks. My eyes scan them and only meet with one. Chills run through my body at the sight of him, Tom Riddle. I had not recognized him before, mainly because he was looking down.

Now that I see him up close I understand the warnings about him, his eyes feel like they are touching every inch of me. Quickly I pull my eyes away from his and run up the stairs toward my room. Annalie follows behind me into the room and immediately locks the door behind us.

"Thank you." I say shakily while trying to hold back the tears that are starting to form in my eyes. "Atarah what happened down there?" Annalie asks me while leading me towards the couch to sit down.

I just shake my head, I was probably overreacting but the things said about them are horrible. Their secret meetings are known around the school, and the rumors of what goes on behind the closed doors are even worse.

People know the dangers of getting too close to them. For all the years that I have been at Hogwarts, I have kept my distance but tonight was different. I was drawn to them.

Scared of my own curiosity, I pull myself away from the thoughts. I turn to Annalie who is studying me in worry and curiosity. "I don't know." I finally reply, standing up I head over to my trunk pulling out of my night clothes.

"Thank you Annalie, but I am fine. You don't have to stay here any longer." I say heading towards the door of the bathroom just wanting to forget the last hour. "I'm worried Atarah. I can't just leave you here alone." She says moving closer to me wearing her usual worried expression.

"I'll be fine plus you are right across the hall and if I need you, you are right there." I say giving her a reassuring smile. Reluctantly she agrees and tells me goodnight before leaving the room. I finish getting ready for bed and lay down. Staring at the ceiling my mind starts to wander back to those dark piercing eyes. My last thoughts are of them before sleep consumes me.


Sleep is not a luxury that I can afford right now. Every little thing in my plan has to be perfect. The world will one day know my name and fear it.

I had called a meeting this morning at six sharp due to the events of last night. We have to keep our image and it can not be disturbed by getting drunk and them making fools of themselves. If word gets out of anything we discuss or do it's over. One by one they enter, and I can already tell they are hungover.

They are now sitting patiently waiting for me to speak. Clearing my throat before I walk in front of them. "What the hell was that last night." I say raising my voice and with that their postures stiffen. Each one glances at each other with looks of worry and confusion.

"Why would you care about one girl? She's not going to say anything." Vittorio speaks back to me. In a swift movement I move in front of him and raise my wand. Pushing it against his throat, he chokes back a cough.

"You sound so sure of that. Do you want to bet your life on it Rosier?" I ask deepening my voice as I press my wand harder. He shakes his head and I release my wand, leaving him to catch his breath. I take a deep breath and move to pace around the room.

"Fix it." I demand after a moment of pacing. "How would you expect us to fix that?" Lestrange speaks up for the others. "Doesn't matter how, just do it." I retort to them.

"What about her friend?" Avery asks, I recall my memory of the red head girl. She may be a potential problem. I think for a moment before speaking, "Fine, I will deal with the girl. Malfoy and Avery, you deal with her friend." I spit out before telling them to leave.

"This is just another issue that I will have to deal with. Should be simple enough and if it isn't I will just have to get rid of her. Although that will be my last resort, my main plan should work.

She seems like the type that will do anything you ask without questioning it. What was her name, I ponder my memories to try and remember it. Atarah. How about a last name? It was never mentioned.

When our final year at Hogwarts starts I will find her, and I will deal with it.

This should be fun.

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