chapter xxiii.

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How do you go back to being strangers

with someone who has seen

your soul?

-Nikita Gill


Another week has passed, and everyday I have been extremely busy. Each day I am expected to research as much information as I am able to find and at night I meet Cyrus in the library. Telling him new and old information. But with each passing hour I have become even more paranoid, I have still not talked to Tom. I have seen him around though but he never lets me get close enough to him to talk.

I fear that he is taking his time and when he gets what he is seeking then that is when I will meet my end. So I may be trying to delay my findings but I know sooner or later I will be forced to get the truth. But until that time comes I will do what I can and hope that it will be good enough.

One thing that I am grateful for is that Annalie and I have been spending as much time together as we possibly can. There has been so much that I have missed which hurts but now we have the opportunity to be around each other. But one thing has been bothering me about the situation, during the time Annalie and I were not talking I am curious as to how Tom was able to control our friendship so much.

I mean I understand that he used Annalie's feelings for Francis to his advantage but some things are not adding up with Annalie's memory. I guess I underestimated how much of an upper hand that Tom has.


"Slughorn is killing me with the amount of work he is assigning us." Annalie practically shouts as she slams the book in front of her closed. I watch as she then lets her head fall on her books and groans- I laugh softly at her frustration. "This isn't funny." Annalie's voice is muffled and I try to stifle my laughter but the moment she looks up from between her hair and glares at me, I laugh even harder.

"Hello Ladies." I spin my head towards the voice and see Francis Avery standing next to our table. Out of the corner of my eye I notice the way Annalie lifts her head and clears her throat. "What are you doing here Avery?" I question and he only tilts his head slightly in response, and before I can speak more on the subject Annalie interrupts.

"I invited him to study with us, you don't mind do you?" Annalie is looking at me with a pleading look. "Of course not." I reply while faking a smile towards Avery. What the hell. I made a deal with Tom to leave Annalie out of his plan, I'll have to pull Avery aside to talk to him the next time I get the chance.

Francis returns my fake smile before settling into the seat across from Annalie and pulling out his work as well. I keep silent for the next very long hour as I work on my assignments. Though it's hard to ignore the constant flirting between Annalie and Francis.

"I'll be right back." I perk up at the words and see Annalie heading away towards a row of books on the other end of the library. Swiftly I move into Anni's seat and look Francis directly in the eye. Who is now leaning back with a smirk spread across his face.

"Now I'm sure you know all about the deal I made with Riddle, so let me ask you this: what the hell are you still doing around Annalie?" Francis's eyebrow raises slightly at my words, before he leans forward resting his elbows on the table. "As long as Annalie wants me around I'm staying. This has nothing to do with Tom and you anymore."

I am silent for a long time as I repeat the words that were just spoken to me. What does he mean by it having nothing to do with Tom and I anymore? It's always- oh.. Oh. "Now you should probably get back into your seat before Annalie returns." Without much thought I move back into my chair and return my gaze to my work.

Annalie soon returns carrying two more books. Several more minutes pass of me looking at my books but I cannot get out of my own head enough to register the page. Slowly I begin to gather my books and stand up from my chair. "Where are you going?" Annalie looks up from her own books as she watches me, waiting for my response.

"I forgot I was supposed to meet with a professor about some of my work, I will meet up with you later." I say the first excuse that comes to mind and make my way out of the library. I begin to move down the halls without a specific destination in mind. I am about to turn down a hall when I see Tom Riddle making his way down the opposite hall.

I begin to move in the direction he is when someone steps in front of my way. "Going somewhere Atarah?" I scowl at Cyrus who just blocked my view, I lean slightly to the side and cannot see Riddle anywhere now. "He's ignoring me, and you're helping him. Why?" I get straight to the point, I'm already annoyed and am not interested in small talk at the moment.

"He's busy trying to find your parents. I'm sure you are too, right?" Now he is deflecting the question, perfect. "Of course, I better get going." I turn around and begin to head in the direction of my common room. After a few moments of walking I look behind me to make sure Cyrus didn't decide to follow me and make sure I am going where I should be.

Luckily I don't see him but that doesn't mean he isn't watching, or any one of Tom's friends. They are everywhere and I am sure they've been told to keep an even closer eye on me now that I know a few of Tom's secrets. It's the price I agreed to pay.

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