chapter xxxix.

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My heart is so full of you

I can hardly call it my own.

- Liana Radulescu


"Are you sure about this?" I place my feet into position and face the wall that is starting to crumble. Tom finally started practicing the spells that he has been learning and he asked me to join him this morning so I could study him. So now after several hours of watching him, it's my turn to attempt this. I swallow back my nerves before replying, "No, but I'm ready." I see him nod his head from the corner of my eye before he steps back further behind me.

I lift my wand and aim towards the target, steeling myself for this. I let out a breath and recall the words and movement. I repeat both- putting all my effort into it and as the words leave my lips an unfamiliar feeling rushes through me. The spell shoots across the space and slams against the wall. The sound of rocks hitting the floor fills the room and I watch as cracks form from the point of impact.

"Very good." A small smile forms on my face at the compliment and I lift my wand up again so I can practice the next spell. I am about to move it into the needed motion when a hand grabs onto my arm to stop me. "No, it's like this." Tom moves my arm slightly down and to the left and once my position is correct he removes his hand. Except instead of letting go of me completely he moves it down to my waist to steady me.

"Now try it." The feel of him distracts me momentarily but I quickly regain my focus and speak the words. Again the spell hits the wall and even more pieces of it fall but I stop watching the slow destruction as that unfamiliar feeling takes over. A gasp leaves my lips and I drop my wand as a burning pain shoots from my hand. I begin to double over when Tom catches me and he lifts me up in his arms.

He takes me over to the couches in the corner of the room and examines my face before speaking, "Breathe with me, okay?" I nod rapidly and copy him and after a few moments I don't struggle as much to get air into my lungs. Once I stop gasping for air he looks away from me and clenches his jaw. "I shouldn't have let you learn these spells."

"Are you saying it was the spell that's doing this to me?" I sit up on the couch and lift my hand to turn his face so he will look at me.

"I told you that they will change you and once you get a taste for the darkness- it becomes addicting." I then begin to understand that he knows that feeling too well. "I can't let you become anything close to who I am. It will destroy you and you'll blame me for hating yourself."

"I knew going into this that I wouldn't emerge as the same person and I have come to accept that." Tom shakes his head like he doesn't believe me, "I've come to accept it because I am willing to make sacrifices for the people I care about, even if I have to sacrifice who I am."

He holds my gaze while bending forward until our faces are only inches apart. "Are you feeling better?" The switch of topic takes me by surprise but after a small pause I reply, "Yes, thank you."

"Good." His hand wraps behind my head bringing my lips to his. The kisses are slow and I pull at his shirt needing more. He doesn't budge which makes a frustrated groan leave me. The sound makes him smirk against my lips and that small motion makes me breathless.

As I open my mouth for him he takes the invitation without hesitation and I melt into him more as I feel his hand move from my knee up to my thigh. I fall backwards onto the couch as he moves on top of me more. His hand moves underneath my shirt and skims my abdomen before he removes it back down to my waist.

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