chapter l.

141 10 0

Only a monster can deal with another monster



The hours since I talked with Vera gave me a lot of time to think. Which seems to be the only thing I do lately, most of my thoughts are so dark that it only makes it all worse. But with it comes realization that nothing will ever be the same. No matter how hard I try to fix it, it will not change anything. Except, the lives of those who do not deserve to be pulled further into this nightmare.

The only thing I can bring to the world. My life for theirs. An exchange I will gladly make to protect the only people left I care about. Save them before they turn on me just as everyone else has.

And with that I wait for night to come.


The woman's voice speaks through the door as it always does. I go through the same motions that I do every night and follow her to where Dumbledore waits for me. He stares intensely at me as I walk up to him and for once I do not fear what is to come.

"How was y-" He starts with the same question but for the first time I stop him before he continues.

"I'm ready to surrender." I know I've taken him by surprise when he doesn't immedietly respond, but he doesn't waste time before he leads me into a room I've never entered before. He ushers me to take a seat and before he joins me he whispers something to the woman who brought me here.

"I must say I am surprised you've decided to give up already. But you've made the right choice." Just as he finished his words the door opens and Vera enters the room. Dumbledore stands up and kisses her cheek before they both sit down together.

"There are no need for introductions so let's continue." I don't look at Vera, keeping my eyes on Dumbledore the entire time. "Will we have to do this the hard way?"

"No, I will tell you anything you want to know."

"Where is Tom and his followers hiding out?"

"We were at his family home." The words burn as I say them.

Dumbledore looks pleased with my answer. "That wasn't so hard was it, Atarah?" He doesn't wait for an answers before he asks another question. "Where is the other half of the key?"

"I hid it before I was taken. Only I know the location of the key. But before I give up the location I only have one question." A simple deal, an answer for the keys location.

He simply nods, allowing me to continue. "You did so much to get to this point. You spent decades on this plan, you killed and betrayed people. So what is the true purpose of all of this?"

"And why should I tell you that?"

"Because you're going to kill me anyways."

He's silent as my words sink in and he turns slightly to Vera. A silent conversation occurring between the two of them. Finally he turns to me with a triumphant smile.

"Growing up, nobody ever understood me, the real me. I felt so alone at Hogwarts until I met Killian. He treated me as an equal and as a brother. Something I was fortunate to experience."

I note the way Vera scoots closer and rests her hand on Dumbledore's back. The sight making me sicken in disgust.

"But he died and the grief was inescapable. So I searched endlessly for a way to bring him back. The only thing I could find that would work was the resurrection stone. Which was not easy to retrieve as it was hidden but it was worth it. We were able to reunite with him and Killian knew it was merely a temporary return. So he told us another way to bring him back, a way he could be here in the flesh for good."

My stomach twists as he continues his story. Brining someone back from the dead is not possible and the fact he heard this from Killian after using the resurrection stone. A stone created from death itself.

"He told us about a key that would grant the user limitless power. And with it we could bring him back."

I can't believe I am finding humor in this fucked up situation but I do. I hold back the laugh I so desperately want to let out. "All of this to bring back one man?" They both tense at my words and I know I've made a mistake.

"I believe it's time you hold up your end of the deal." His words are cold and merciless.

"I will lead you there."

"No, no more games Atarah." Before I know it he's in front of me and his hands grasp my head harshly. A stabbing pain begins to intrude my skull and my screams echo throughout the room.

He enters easily and I feel him getting closer to a memory that I can't have him see. So I use what little strength I've built up and make my move. Instantly he leaves my mind and my focus returns to the man in front of me. His eyes wide and staring at me. At the same time our gazes follow down to his abdomen where a pair of silver scissors have been impaled into him.

The same one that I secretly grabbed last night as I talked with Vera. I had noticed them on her nightstand and she was so busy speaking that she didn't notice when I swiped it.

Dumbledore slowly grabs onto the scissors and pulls it out and drops it to the floor. A gasp sounds from across the room and the small sound brings me back. Quickly I reach forward and pull his wand from where he placed it on his waist. It's now or never.

I raise the wand but before I can mutter the first words he rushes at me and the force of him slams me to the ground. The impact forcing the breath out of me and just as I begin to get air into my lungs I feel his hands wrap around my neck and begin to squeeze. My eyes lift to his and I know just by looking at him that it's over.

My vision begins to darken and the pain in my body stars to subside. A sweet relief but a terrifying realization that I've failed. I've failed my parents, I've failed my friends, and I've failed Tom.

I couldn't do the one thing I've been so determined to do from the start. Instead of killing the monster, he's killing me. But truthfully he's been killing me for a long time, he's just now come to finish the job.

The pressure releases from my throat and I recognize the moment as the end. The bliss moment between life and death. But then a sharp pain returns and a voice screams at me. At once a rush of air returns to my lungs and my eyes open on instinct. Even though my vision is blurred I still recognize the blazing red hair. At first my heart skips at the thought of it being Annalie but as my vision returns I realize it's not her, it's Vera.

"Get up!" The voice is harsh and commanding.

My head turns away from her and lands on the still form of Albus who lays only a few feet away from me. I swing my head back to her as I begin to realize what happened.

"You stopped him from killing me."

"Don't make me regret it."

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