chapter x.

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How many times can the same 

thing break your heart?

As long as you love it. 



I still stand a few feet away from Tom Riddle as I now aware of what I had just done, realizing what position I had just put myself in. What could Tom Riddle want from me? Especially here where there could be no eyes to see us. Then it finally hits me.

Has he already decided to kill me? Is this the end? 

"Why have you brought me here?" I question Tom Riddle, I try to make my voice sound calm but I know by the way my voice shook he knows I am scared. He knows how scared I am of him right now. 

His eyes scan mine for a moment before he takes a deep breath and holds his hand out to me. "Let me show you." Tom Riddle assures me and for a moment I feel like I can believe every word that comes out of his mouth. I feel my shoulders relax and my body melts towards his, and in that moment I take his hand. 

Tom Riddle leads me deeper into the forbidden forest until we reach a small clearing which is illuminated by the faint glow of the moon through the trees. Tom Riddle stops and lets go of my hand, he turns around so he is facing me right now. 

"What is going on?" I asked as I started to take in my surroundings and feel eyes on me in the dark. Tom Riddle still does not say anything as he stares at me, no emotion rests on him as usual but this time something is different. 

Slowly figures move out of the dark towards Tom and I, dressed in all black and their faces are hidden by masks. I start moving backwards away from the figures when I hit something hard, spinning around I am faced with another figure. There are four of them, on all sides of us. 

"What is this?" I ask as an uneasy feeling develops in the pit of my stomach, I try to create as much distance as I can from Tom and the others. Except I can't move, my feet are stuck where they are and Tom Riddle slowly walks towards me. 

"I need you to do something for me. I need you to grab a black box that rests in Professor Dumbledore's office." Tom Riddle continues to explain with each inch he steps closer to me. 

"How do you expect me to get that from his office?" I question him as I try to understand what he is asking of me and why he could possibly want that box. What is in the box that is so important to him? 

"You will figure it out." Tom Riddle assured as he is now right in front of me, looking down upon me. With that I slowly start to nod my head and a pleased expression spreads across his face, he then looks to each one of the figures and slightly nods at each one of them. 

"This isn't real is it? You are inside my head again." I say as I start to understand what is happening. I had no control as I agreed to follow him and time has not been present during this conversation. Tom Riddle has rule over every single thing right now, including me. 

"Of course darling, it's really quite easy." he replied exposing himself, and with that he did something I didn't expect. He took my chin in his hand and lifted it up to better face him. I feel every single thing in this moment. How cold his skin is and how soft it feels against my skin, and how every part of me is pulling towards him. 

Goosebumps cross my skin as I look into his eyes, they watch me carefully as I take in every detail of him. Watching how I feel the world shrink around me leaving nothing between us- but just like last time it's all gone in an instant. 

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