chapter xviii.

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He set fire to the world around him
but never let a flame touch her.


Atarah goes before me into the fireplace and I follow behind her a moment later. When I emerge back at Malfoy Manor, I just catch a glimpse of her leaving the room. Right now we should be letting the others know of what we found but for now I will leave her alone. Especially after what she saw at her family's home. 

Although before I call the others to a meeting I rush into my room and lock my door after me. Throwing down my jacket I begin to rummage through the pockets. My fingers catch onto the envelope and I pull it out. 

Earlier when Atarah was looking upstairs, I went straight into her fathers office. Knowing he must have left something for her to find. Although I am still suspicious as to where her parents may have gone, I know we will find out soon enough. 

Ripping open the seal- I pull out the piece of paper it contains. In simple letters the name 'Atarah' is written across the front. Moving on I read the rest of the letter. 

 [   Atarah, 

We would first like to apologize for the way we have treated you, we have failed as parents by not realizing the importance of you. Your mother and I know we were harsh and hopefully we will one day be able to tell you this in person. We cannot say much in this letter but just know we have done as much as we can to protect you. Someone very powerful is looking for something we have and we can not let him get it. One day you may understand but for now be careful of who you trust.                                                                                        - mum and dad              ]

I fold the paper back into the envelope and tuck it under the mattress of the bed. Sitting back down, I take a deep breath to calm down the anger rising. They knew what I was looking for, they knew before me and made sure they disappeared along with my item. 

Except they didn't expect me to have a grasp on their daughter, and that I would find this note before she did. From here I will find a way to get what I want- all while punishing them for taking something I want away.   


I am already sitting at the head of the table when the others enter and take their seats. I have also decided to leave Atarah out of this meeting- since there are some things I need to discuss without her present. 

Once everyone is seated I lean back in the chair and listen to what everyone else found while we were away. Since I already guessed that her parents would not be there while we visited- I sent a few of them with the goal of finding them. 

However after listening to their findings, I see that they did an excellent job of hiding their tracks. Which doesn't surprise me- honestly I would have been a little disappointed in them if they were found so easily. 

So now I am left with the option of not seeking them out- instead drawing them out of their little hiding place. Let's just hope that their feelings towards their daughter will be enough leverage. 

Next thing I do is fill the others in on what we found inside the Bletchley residence. I choose to leave out the details of the letter for now- keeping that piece of information private from the others. 

"You don't think they are dead, do you?" Rosier asks, I had thought of the possibility but who would have been the ones to kill them other than me?

"No, I don't. They are protecting something and they very well wouldn't leave it unguarded." I explain. 

I quickly notice the others slumped positions and decide to continue the rest of the meeting tomorrow. "Francis, wait back a moment." I say aloud just before he is about to leave the room with the others. 

"Did you accomplish what I asked of you?" I ask as I slide out of my chair and move towards where he stands. 

"Yes, although I have to admit I was surprised by your request." he comments, "I mean as much as I enjoy seeing Annalie- why did you ask me to bring her that letter?" 

"The answer to that question does not concern you." I quickly state as I leave the room and start down the hallway. I hear the sound of hurried steps following me and know my answer was not sufficient for him. 

"It kind of is, I mean we are dating and you said that your intent does not involve harming her-" I stop abruptly at those words and turn around, immediately Francis stops talking as he watches my expression darken. 

"Do not get distracted, you know what is expected of you. Maybe if you aren't up to it, I shall ask Abraxas to complete the job for you." I growl and with those words I watch Francis back off. 

"No, I apologize. I didn't mean it like that." Francis utters and with that I turn around and head back towards my room. 


After several hours of restless sleep, I give up and move out of bed. Heading into the bathroom, I turn on the water and take a short shower. Tomorrow is Christmas, leaving us with only a couple days left to accomplish what we planned to do this break. 

After the shower I dry off and get dressed quickly. Heading down the hall I make a quick stop in front of Atarah's door. Leaning in, I listen for any movement. After a minute of silence, I open the door slowly. 

Upon entering the room, I find it completely empty. Where could she have gone? Moving forward I open the window shade a few inches. Looking out towards the field, my eyes catch on movement below the window. 

I watch as Atarah moves through the garden, as she stops in front of the statues placed about. The sun has risen slightly above the trees now, giving a faint glow right where the garden is.

 I stand here watching for a few more moments, watching as a small smile tugs at her lips and she looks at a statue in the corner of the garden. I haven't seen her smile like that since the first night at Hogwarts. 

Pulling away from the window, I close the shades back to where they were previously and leave the room. 

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