chapter xi.

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  To the Divine,
mischievous spark in you.


As I am racing down the hallway trying to get back to my common room as fast as I can, I notice the temperature change and how my skin shivers. At once I stop moving and turn around searching for the source, even though I already know who will be waiting for me. When I finally face him I am not surprised to know I was right. 

"Do you have it?" Tom asks me as he moves forward slowly reaching out his hand. Demanding me to hand over the object, he already knows the answer to the question because he knows I wouldn't dare come out of that classroom empty handed. 

I nod my head and reach into my pocket grabbing the small object. Wrapping my fingers around the delicate object I move forward and drop it into his hands. Once it hits his skin he closes his hand around the object and I swear I see his eyes light up. 

Not in a happy or excited way but in a mischievous act as if his plan for destruction has just been set in motion. In a swift moment Tom Riddle drops the object into his pocket and moves to walk back the way he came from. 

"Is that all?" I manage to get out and as the words are spoken I hold my breath waiting to hear his answer. A part of me knows I shouldn't have even asked because I already know what he will say. 

He doesn't turn around at my words but stalls momentarily and turns his head to the side. "For now." Is all he says before continuing down the hallway and disappearing down the long corridor. 


After the night when I retrieved the object for Tom Riddle I seem to be repeating the same days over and over again. I wake up, go to class, go back to my common room, and before I know it the day starts over again. I seem to be the only one moving in slow motion while everything else races past me. 

I feel as if Tom Riddle has taken a part of me away, the part of me that had such high hopes for my final year at Hogwarts. I may be blaming everything on him because I know that the moment he sunk his claws in me I knew there was nothing that could be done to escape his grasp. Or maybe I am trying to convince myself that the issues I have started especially pushing Annalie away was because I am scared.

I need to talk to Annalie because I can't control much right now but my friendship with her is something I will not let Tom Riddle control. 

I make a decision right then to fix what went wrong in my friendship with Annalie. Slipping from my bed I slip on a sweater before making my way down into the common room. I search around the room looking for Anni before I leave the room and head for the library. 

Whenever I have been unsure of where she is I would most always find her hidden away in the library reading the newest book. Within a few minutes I am in the library heading towards the corner she is most often in. 

I am a few paces away from rounding the corner when I stop. I hear several voices coming from the corner and I peak my head through the book to see who is talking. I suck in a sharp breath when I recognize the three people standing in a circle whispering harshly to each other. 

Moving my eyes between each of them I note how Francis Avery drapes his arm across Annalie's shoulder and how Abraxas Malfoy leans across the wall from them. How comfortable they all seem with each other. 

I was wrong earlier when I said that I wouldn't let Tom Riddle control our friendship, I never had any choice in the matter. I was foolish to think I could have control over him, how long has he been laughing at my ignorance?



I have been examining the object since the moment Atarah gave it to me. I know the power it holds but I just need to know how to access it. Tossing it back and forth in my hand an idea hits me and I loop the chain around my neck. 

All at once a few images flash through my mind and before they are gone I memorize each one to look back upon. 

The first image was a cold room with a small window above a large bed, the room looked as if it hadn't been slept in for years. The room is bare from decorations as if it has been cleared from all meaning, everything except an unopened letter that sits on the bed. The letter holds the crest from Hogwarts, but before I can further expect the object the next image appears 

The next image that appeared was a black ring with a gold band, I have seen that before. I own that ring, I sent a portion of my soul into that small object the moment I killed my useless muggle father. 

The last image that I remember seeing was a woman standing with her back to me, looking out onto the cold ocean hitting the sharp rocks. Her hair was brown and it was harshly moving with the wind. Looking down at her I notice that it's the same letter from the room is in her hands and this time it's opened. They are connected. 

Now I have something, a way to access the power hidden in this object. I will not stop until its power is mine- until I find everything that it showed me. I already have one of the three things it showed me and now I will set out to find that room that holds the letter as well as the girl. 

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