Sunny Sunday

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"Okay. Let's get started. How many pregnancies have you had?" Dr. Collins asked me looking at the clipboard.

"One." I answered not looking directly at anybody.


"Yes. One." I bit my lip because I was still a little emotional about that. Brandon grabbed my hand and ran his thumb across it.

"Abortions?" She asked and looked up when I didn't answer her.

"Camille, she asked you a question." Brandon said bringing me back from where I mentally traveled.

"Oh, I'm sorry. What'd you ask me, Dr. Collins?" I heard her the first time. I just didn't want to answer her.

"Have you ever had an abortion?"

"No." I said as I shook my head avoiding eye contact with Brandon.

When the appointment was over I left my phone so that I could go back without Brandon. I was actually able to catch Dr. Collins so that I could let her know the correct information.

"Camille, did you leave something?" She asked holding up my phone.

"Yes, I did." I laughed as she handed me my phone. "And I need to tell you something."

"Okay. Go ahead." She motioned for me to start talking.

"I didn't answer truthfully to some of those questions you asked me."

"Which ones?"

"I've had three pregnancies. Two abortions and one miscarriage. Brandon doesn't know about the abortions and I'd like to keep it that way." I looked over my shoulder to make sure he hadn't come back to look for me.

"Of course. Thanks for letting me know. I'll be sure to update your file with that information."

"Thanks." I said turning to leave.

"You're welcome, Camille."

I wish I could have taken it back, but I couldn't. I walked downstairs and found Brandon on the couch. He didn't even leave after making that big dramatic exit from our room.

"Brandon, I'm not going to beg you, but you need to talk to me." I said standing beside the couch.

"What do you want me to say, Camille? Seriously, we have had this conversation so many times and what did you always say?" He asked looking from the TV to me.

"I don't believe in abortion, I've never had an abortion and I would never have one." I said and bit my lip and started to tap my foot on the floor.

"I get that you had your 'reasons' to do it, but you didn't have to lie about it."

"I'm sorry. I didn't want you to think any less of me or throw it in my face." I sat down in the chair.

"I don't think I can be mad about something that happened before we even knew each other. What I need though, is for you to stop lying to me. You lied about the abortions, you lied about Terrance and you're still not telling the truth about whatever is going on with you and Trenton."

"Bran, I've explained that to you. As far as Terrance don't worry about him." I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration.

"I understand that I messed up when we first got married. I still mess up now, but I have a feeling that whatever you're involved in is going to rock the boat really hard."

"Brandon, I-I--"I sighed because he's right and I should've just told him when I had the chance.

"If it's not what's been eating at you for the past few months just save it. Im not going anywhere, but only the truth can save us."

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