What's That About?

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I was back at work and still working on the party for Mrs. Perry's husband, Tim. It's like every time we met she had something new to add. She was nice and it would be a great idea, but it was as if she didn't want to have the party. I finally asked her what was going on because she was prolonging the process.

"Mrs. Perry, is there an issue? We can't keep adding things, especially the things you want because they have to be special ordered. Do we need to change the date again?"

"Honey, call me Dorothy or Dot and no we don't. I'm just nervous and I want it to be perfect." She said fixing the blinged out watch on her wrist.

"I do the best I can. It's going to be a great party." I smiled looking at her to see if I could read her, but I couldn't.

"Okay. Just one more thing, but it's more of a surprise that doesn't require us to order anything just some creative thinking, okay?"

I nodded and listened to her idea, it was very relatable to my situation so I was more than happy to help her. She left the entire thing up the me and I knew that I could pull it off without a problem. Maybe helping them would help me heal after so many years of hurt and rejection.

"Okay. Was there anything else that you need me to do?" I asked biting my pen looking up from my paper.

"Yes. Bring your husband and daughter. I insist that you don't work and have some fun. I think you could use some fun in your life, Star."

"Dot, I can't do-wait did you call me Star?" I asked her because I hadn't been called that in years if she said what I thought she did.

"Lifestyle. That's what I said." She gave me an unreadable look and flashed a smile at me.

"Oh ok. Well the. We are all set and we will see you next Saturday. I'll finally get to meet your husband and children."

"Yes! I'm so excited." She said gathering her things to leave. "If need be give me a call." She left me in my office to finish up some work.

I wasn't sure what that all was about, but I was positive she called me Star. I was ready to get that party over with. I was also working on two weddings, a baby shower and a retirement party. I was exhausted on top of the fact that Peyton decided that she was a ballerina and wanted to take dance classes. Between work and home I was almost ready to go check myself in at the place with the padded walls and happy pills.

I was still working when I got a visit from Zay. Well when he walked in I wasn't sure if he was Zay or Pastor Reese. The look on his face showed that he was in a serious mood so I was going to let him have his little moment and call it a day.

"What do you want?" I asked pushing away from my desk to stretch my legs.

"I can't get a 'hi'? How are you? What's going on?" He asked taking a snickers from my candy dish.

"You don't come to my job unless there's something wrong or about to be wrong. Spill it."

"Who said there was any-"

"Xavier Reese don't play with me. Just come on with it."

"Okay. I need a favor. You know I wouldn't ask if I didn't need to."

"What is it?" I asked giving him my undivided attention because I knew it was going to be good.

"So you know Chris and Taia right?" He asked and I nodded for him to continue. "They're engaged to be married, but she's pregnant and they want to get married before the baby gets here."

"Okay." I gave him Dora blinks because it was taking him so long to get the story out.

"They want you to sing at-"

"No. Big one. Small one. The answer is no."

"Okay. That's fine. Don't help the young couple out. They just want to be a family unit when black families are becoming extinct."

"Really?" I glared at him.

"I mean they're the ones that said they admire you and Brandon and would be honored if you would sing." He smiled making me roll my eyes.

"Only because they don't know the entire story. It's always different looking in from the outside."

"This Is really important to them. They decided this on their own and came to me." He sighed and ran his hand down his face. "You act like it'll kill you to sing one song." We stared at each other for a few seconds before I answered him.

"Yeah. Goodness. What song?" I asked hoping it was something classic.

"That I don't know. All I was asked to do was see if you'd do it. Call Taia she can answer that for you." He said walking to the door and opening it. "Oh Taia may or may not want you to sing two songs. Thanks, love you, bye." He closed the door before I could respond. I was going to learn to stop volunteering my services one day.

As usual I was doing last minute grocery shopping when I ran into one of the last people I wanted to see. I was already rushing because I had to grab Peyton from dance by 6:30. I tried to turn around just to save myself extra drama that I didn't need, but I was spotted.

"Hey, Camille. How are you?" She smiled in my face like we were best friends.

"Monique." I said and went around her to continue on my way.

"Camille, did I do something to you?" She asked sounding offended and hurt. When I didn't respond she ran around my cart so that she was in front of me.

"If trying to steal my husband isn't considered doing anything to me then I guess not."

"Steal your husband? What are you talking about?" She asked looking confused, but I wasn't about to play with her.

"Monique, I don't have time for this. Can you move?" I asked pushing the cart, but she stopped it.

"I respect you and Brandon too much to do anything like that."

"Is that why your thong was in his office bathroom? Brandon boarding up your windows? The show in his office? Oh wait let me guess, you're shocked and don't know what I'm talking about?"

"Windows? I live in an apartment. Camille--"

"Just stop. It stops now. Don't play crazy." I said yanking the cart from her grip.

"Crazy? Crazy? I'm not crazy!" She yelled with a distant look in her eyes, but I wasn't backing down.

"Look, neither here nor there stay away from me and stay away from my family. " I said and walked out of the store leaving my cart of groceries.

I was beyond irritated and my gut was still telling me that something was mentally wrong with that girl. She was acting like I was making all of that stuff up. I knew one thing if she didn't want her daughter to be an orphan she would stay away from us. I was willing to protect my family at any cost.

Nothing too crazy. Just letting you know this chapter is important. Let me know what you're thinking. Thanks for reading, love bugs.

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