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Everything seed by so fast for Olivia. First it was Kings Cross station, then it was the countryside in all its glory. The water of the lakes and rivers glistening from the sunlight. Olivia saw the trees, and beautiful green grass, but it all passed by to fast for her liking. For Olivia was now at Hogsmeade station listening to the golden trio talk about who knows what.

Oliva was scared out of her mind, she was following the golden trio up to the castle when she heard her name being called. She turned to see an old woman who quite frankly scared her. She look insanely strict and seemed like she didn't put up with anyone's shit. The woman looked at her and smiled a small smile.

"Welcome to Hogwarts, I am profesor McGonagall, you will be coming with me up to the castle for your sorting." That's all Olivia needed to hear to become utterly petrified. She took weary steps with McGonagall up to a carriage pulled by nothing. Olivia was curious as to where the first years were. Maybe they took a different way, but Olivia was special enough to get a better ride.

The journey wasn't very long, but it was long enough as she was in a carriage with a profesor she didn't know. But when they got to the castle it was all worth it, it was a huge castle, with big windows, and towers everywhere you looked. She could barley manoeuvre around her house let alone this.

They were soon at the castle where she would be sorted. McGonagall lead her through many halls that she would soon roam around when she had nothing else to do. Finally they were taken to a room where Olivia was told was right outside the great hall where she would have a hat put on her head and would be sorted. She found that quite odd, having a hat put you where you would spend the next seven years, or in Olivia's case three. Anyway oliva waited with all the other first year. Them all looking at her in awe asking questions like,

"how was she a first year?"

"How tall are you?"

"Where did you come from?"

All fairly valid questions that Olivia could answer. She had always loved kids. She had a few cousins back home that she would babysit during the summer, and whenever she was home. Her cousins is one of the many reasons she hates people like Draco Malfoy. Bullies. One of her cousins has a disability, he is mentally ill. Her cousin has epilepsy, and autism.

Whenever she would take the kids to the park she would always have to deal with a few kids that would pick in her cousin. Of course her cousin just smiled and played along cause the doctors said his autism is very severe. Severe enough that he doesn't know what is going on half the time. Though this is very difficult her cousin does have a great memory, he is insanely smart, and is a great kid overall. She always missed leaving them when she had two back to school, but I guess that's just how it works.

The dorms to the great hall opened and McGonagall called Olivia and the first years to get sorted, and boy Olivia was not ready whatsoever.

I don't want to be annoying or anything , but is this chapter good? I mean I feel like some of these are absolute shit. And if you liked Olivia's and Draco's spat please vote and comment for more!

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