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It was Christmas holidays and the ball was drawing nearer. Olivia hadn't done anything to get ready for it as no one had asked her, and the one person who she thought would... well. Olivia had finally gotten a letter back from her parents and brothers. She had sent a few talking about the ball, and Jack before what happened, but she still hadn't told her parents about the breakup.

Olivia was sitting in her bed with a holly-wood shirt that went mid thighs and some black sorts under them. Padding over the the window where she could hear the owls beak pecking, she opened it. Rubbing her eyes at the new brightness, and wiping the free hair from her ponytail out of her face, she took the letter the owl held in its black and tore the envelope. one of the very few sometimes came to her face when she read her parents handwriting.

Hey Liv,

When we read your first letter we were beyond happy to see you were getting along with people. Less happy to see that your grades aren't where they should be, but that's life with you. This jack boy? Is he a good kid, we know that you said he was, but a new relationship and cloud a persons judgment. If the boys hear that he did something to you they might as well be the first muggles to enter Hogwarts.

With your last letters you said something about a ball, so we went to your cousins and got you a dress! I feel like this colour will really bring out your eyes, and entrance your legs. Your father doesn't know that I sent this dress, and I hope he doesn't, but we hope you have fun at this dance.

Can you ask if Harry want to spend some time with us over the summer? I haven't seen him in so long, and I want to see him again. Your brothers are so eager to meet him, and see Dudley again that hey want it to be June already. Remember that we love you and your brothers are wanting to right something.

Xoxo Mom and Dad.

What up dork

It's us your favourite brothers coming to you straight from the kitchen table. We fostered Peter off onto another cow that lost her calf a few months ago, dad didn't want to tell you cause he knew you'd be crushed but you needed to know. Sorry not sorry.

What's this we hear about a boyfriend? We will crush this loser like a bug. We got a new dog while you were gone, his name is duke and he's a black lab. We kind of miss you so make it home quick, we wanna play some football with even teams, not Kevin on offence all the gosh darn time.

Don't love you,
Kevin, Raymond, And Kobe

Olivia laughed reading all of her brothers stupid ways talking. She wanted to write them so bad, but didn't have the heart to set a swat team on Jack. Olivia looked back at where 5e letter came from, and for the first time noticed a box sitting in front of her. She had always hated her mothers sense of style. Olivia didn't have one much herself, but she would much rather wear wrangler and her boots, than the pink and purple shit her mother wanted her to wear.

Olivia wasn't exited when she opened the box, but her face turned to horror when she actually looked inside. Inside of the wrapped box was a pink layered dress that would sit right before mid thigh, that had a white strapless top. The layers were thin and sparkly. She felt like a unicorn had thrown up on a dish cloth. She didn't want to go to the ball, and even more so now that she knew that she wouldn't have a date because of the breakup.

Speaking of the breakup, she had only left her dorm once. That was to go to Cedrics. In all of her 14 years of living, not once did she think that she would get cheated on. She had slept with Hermione most nights, as she couldn't sleep by herself and her nightmares were just getting worse.

The first day after the breakup she stayed in from classes, she was lucky as it was the last day before Christmas break, she had her friends tell the teachers that she was sick. All the leading days till now we're just her moving around gathering food that Hermione had got for her.

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