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Olivia was released from the hospital wing the day after her fit. She was quite quiet after yelling at her cousin and friends. The first task was still in few months time but she was worried for her cousins safety. He would be in a tournament that had killed multiple people.

She had done her best to avoid the twins, but it was starting to get hard. Every time she saw them she would duck and run the other way. Every time they saw her, they would run to catch her. As soon as they reached where she was before she was gone.

Olivia was starting to feel guilty. They weren't really her friends. She thought they were, but maybe they weren't. They didn't need to be there in the hospital wing, they have their own lives. Olivia thought that she was being selfish.

One day during classes Colin Creevey came to get Harry for something that no one really knew. He was gone for most of the day. Olivia soon found out that Cedric was gone as well. After classes that day Harry came rip roaring into the common room. he told Olivia that he was interviewed by a reporter by the name of Rita Skeeter.

That day Olivia had had gone with Harry to get a letter. He looked happy to see it. He took the letter p, ripping the sting that held it together, and looked at the scrawl written on it. Olivia looked at quizzically.

"Not to be nosey or anything Harry but, who's that from." Harry turned around so fast that it looked like he had gotten whiplash. Olivia looked at him frightened.

"It was no one." He responded quickly running down the stairs of the castle.


That night Harry and Olivia were the last ones in The common room. Olivia's eyes were drooping and she was ready to go to bed. Although Harry looked like something was on his mind.

"Are you alright? You look troubled." Harry looked back at her. Not looking like he got whiplash like last time, but softly. He smiled,

"I'm alright. Sorry about earlier, I was surprised, and mad about other things. I-" she cut him off by putting her hand over his mouth.

"Harry I shouldn't have asked. It was none of my business." She smiled back at her cousin and pulled him into a hug. She picked up the Daily Prophet and read the article Rita Skeeter wrote about him. She found it quite vile to be honest. Talking about things that was none of her business, and calling him a twelve year old. She put the paper back down and looked to the boy beside her.

"Alright I'm heading to bed. You should soon as well, it's getting late." She smiled and brushed imaginary dust off her pants. He looked up at her and nodded his head, saying he'd go up in a minute. Olivia headed back up the stairs and took a long hot shower trying not to wake the other girls.

When she got out and got her T-shirt and shorts on she looked at the clock and saw that it was one in the morning. As she was about to crawl into her bed she heard voices. She heard a voice that sounded a lot like Harry's but also a voice that sounded old, and quick.

She quickly trotted down the stairs standing on the last step and watched Harry kneel over the fire. He was talking to it? And it was talking back? He heard Harry call it Sirius and that's when it hit Oliva. Sirius black, mass murder, psychotic maniac. Who so happened to be going after Harry. Why the hell were they talking to each other?

That's when Olivia decided to make herself seen. She cleared her throat and stepped off the stairs. Harry swivelled around and looked at her with wide eyes. She walked over to Harry and kneeled down beside him. She looked at the man in the fire who was trying not to move.

"This is Sirius Black? I thought he was after you?" She asked Harry calmly, though on the inside she was screamingly leave and tell someone. Harry looked at her weirdly before at the fire. Sirius slightly nodded his head.

"This is Sirius black the innocent murder." Thought so. She had asked her mother multiple times about Sirius black in her third year. Every story her mother told her just didn't seem to add up with the one the ministry officials were telling everyone. It seemed he loved his friends too much to betray them. Olivia smirked and looked at the man in the fire.

"I knew it." She said shaking her head. Sirius was about to open his mouth to say good bye when they heard more steps coming down the stairs. Ron came into view and glared at Harry.

"Who were you guys talking to?" Ron wondered. Harry proceeded to tell him off, which probably wasn't the best idea but did it anyway. Then Ron rolled his eyes and left back up the stairs. To which Olivia followed soon after, after she said goodbye to her cousin thinking he needed to cool down.


Hermione, And oliva had gotten close over the time Olivia had been there. Ron had been trying to avoid Harry but wasn't getting very far, as they shared a dorm. So one day Harry and Olivia were sitting by the Back Lake with Neville, Hermione, Ginny- Who for some reason didn't like Olivia all that much- and Ron came by. Ron looking annoyed, and Hermione crossed.

Ron leaned over to Hermione and whispered something. Hermione walked over attempting to smile at Olivia and Harry, but was more of a grimace, and attempted to tell Harry what Ron said.

"Ronald would like me to tell you that Seamus told him that he was told by Parvati that Hagrid wants to talk to you." Harry tried to be mad but was just confused.

"Is that right! Well.. you...what?" Hermione sighed and went back to Ron, which he whispered in her way again. Hermione walked back over and attempted to say it again.

"Dean was told by Parvati... that.... please don't make me say it again. Hagrid wants you." Hermione grimaced again. Harry looked back at her and frowned.

"Well you can tell Ron th-" Harry never got to finish his sentence as Hermione turned back to him and shouted,

"I'm not and owl!" Olivia smiled at the trio and rubbed her cousins back as he went back to the lake and sat down.

Sorry it's been a while.

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