Chapter 3

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Anna's P.O.V

I sat, chewing at the end of my pencil, not listening to anything that was being said by the teacher. I have been thinking a lot about what happened on my birthday. Who was J? How did they get in my house? I had spent all Sunday thinking about that.

I have received no further notes, but something tells me this isn't going to stop here. I have this feeling in the pit of my stomach that something is going to go wrong. I have considered that the man that sat next to be in the cinema has done this, but that's not even possible. How would he know where I lived? He could have followed me home but...

I sighed, not wanting to think about any of this. No matter how much I thought, I could not get my head around all this

"MISS VALENTINE!" the teacher screamed at me.
I jumped up, looking hastily at the teacher. "Sorry, what?" I questioned, no clue what was going on in class.
The teacher sighed. "You have just earned yourself a double detention after school today Anna."
I groaned and sat back down, great.

"Anna I can't believe that you just got a detention! You never do, and you promised me you would come with me to the hairdresser after school for my hair cut." Emily whined.

I gave her a reassuring pat on the back, "Emily, you are going to be fine at the hair dressers. I am sure the cut will look great on you."
Emily smiled, "Okay... but I can't be there to pick you up after your detention then."
I forced out a smile, "That's okay, I will just take the bus or walk or something."

Emily sighed, "Anna is everything alright? You seem a bit upset today."
"Nah, I am okay, why wouldn't I be?'' I lied, hoping it was good enough to convince Emily.


I finally walked out of detention, wanting nothing more than to go home and relax. All the corridors were empty and it seemed like I was the only one in school.

I quickly walked out school. Eager to get home, I decided to take the shortcut through the wood. I wasn't thinking of the consequences of that then.

I started walking, the trees surrounded me. They were so tall that they blocked out all the sunlight, leaving the small wood in darkness. The twigs twitched beneath my feet as I walked.

I got the feeling I was being followed. I shut my eyes tightly, oh not again. But my heart almost stopped when I heard footsteps behind me.I took a deep breath, I was just being silly. Probably someone walking by, just like I am.

I turned around, trying to calm myself.

A guy, with a black hoodie. I couldn't see his face, but from his body features, I could tell that he was the same guy from the movies.

A scream was dying to leave my mouth, but it hitched inside. Instead, I did the only thing I could think of.

I ran. I ran like I never ran before, my hair was flying out behind me and I could hear someone running behind me.

Tears rolled down my face, I tried to fasten my running.

"Anna, aw baby, trying to runway?" a mocking voice said behind me.
How did he know my name? Thoughts whirled through my mind.
Scared, I screamed behind me, "Please.....just leave me alone."
Whoever was behind me chuckled, "Cant do babe. Just stop running away from me. I'll catch you anyway."

The footsteps behind me sounded relaxed like he knew that he was going to get me in the end. It was like they were playing a horrible game with me, knowing that I will be caught and enjoying my fear.

I lost my way in the woods, I didn't know where I was going anymore. All I knew was that I had to get away.

"Give it up now babe, I am getting bored now." The voice, that was only a few meters away from me said.

I breathed heavily, "S-stop calling me that!" I shouted, desperate now, to get rid of him. I kept taking zig-zag ways, hoping to lose him, but it was like he knew where I was going to go next.

Whoever was behind me, had this planned out well.

"Anna! Stop it now! You are only making this hard for yourself. STOP RUNNING!" he sounded angry and fed up now, but from his voice, I could tell he was close. Too close.

I turned my head around, looking at him. He was so near. I couldn't make out his facial features since he still had the hoodie and sunglasses on.

I tripped over a rock. A scream escaped my mouth as I fell to the ground, scraping my knee hard against the rock. I whimpered, trying to get back on my feet.

Suddenly, I felt two pairs of strong-arm grasp around my waist.

"NO!" I screamed, kicking for all I was worth. A hand clasped tightly over my mouth.
"Calm down baby," a husky man voice whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my back. Instead of calming me down, it had me more panicked.

"Your mine, Anna." He whispered.

Unable to bear it any longer, I kicked him where I knew it would hurt him the most and started running again. "I AM NOT YOURS!" I screamed behind me.

I could hear him growl, he was angry now. I reached a fork road deciding to take the right one.

Bad choice. I came to a dead end.

I tried to run out, but it was too late. I bumped into a hard chest as I was running the opposite direction. "Not so fast." He said, smiling evilly.
I whimpered again, backing away from him.

He slowly took a cloth out of this back pocket and started coming towards me. I was a scared mess. A slow smirk spread across his face as he started coming towards me.

"NO! Please stop...d-don't come any nearer!" I cried out as tears slipped out of my eyes, the guy kept advancing me, cloth ready in his hand to knock me out. "Who are you...? I don't know are after the wrong person..." I stammered trying to keep him away.
"I am after the correct person, sweetheart. I am after you. You are mine, and now calm down and don't make this hard for yourself. Just breathe in, you will be with me when you wake up." He said pressing the cloth over my mouth and nose.

I tried not to breathe, but soon I gave in gasping the chloroform. My world started to go dizzy and everything went black as I fell back into the stranger's hands.

"I am Jason McCann, baby, and you belong to me." Was the last thing I heard, before completely blacking out.

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