Chapter 18

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Anna's P.O.V

I padded down the stairs in the dark, wanting to get away from Jason. A part of me felt bad...almost guilty at leaving him crying like that, I couldn't understand why. I was surprised to find tears on my cheeks. I wiped them away hastily.

The living room was dark when I came in. Straining my ears, I could hear soft sobbing noises coming from the kitchen.

I cautiously tiptoed to the kitchen, careful not to startle whoever was crying. I knew it wasn't Jason because I had left him upstairs, so it must be Eric.

It was Eric, he was seated in one of those tall chairs around the kitchen table, his back facing me. His shoulders moved softly as he cried. I walked up to him, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Eric?" I said, he turned around, his face tear stained, his eyes red and blotchy. He wiped away his tears with the back of his hands. He clutched a scrunched up picture in his hand. I took a seat beside him, not really knowing what to say, but wanting to comfort him at the same time.

He gave me the picture, "That's Mariah and me," I looked down at it, Mariah scowled into the picture and Eric had his arm wrapped around her, smiling. "She was all I had..." He said, more tears running down his reddened cheeks.

"I know," I whispered, "Jason is a monster."

"No...not at all," Eric said, taking me by surprise, "No?" I repeated confused at what he was saying.

"Jason, Mariah and I used to live here before it started. Mariah always liked Jason, but Jason never did. You see, he was out mostly, he had you to see to," Eric said; more like stalk not see. "Then," Eric continued, "Mariah went crazy, he craved Jason so much and couldn't bear seeing him run after you, so she did a thing one night that turned everything around. She tried to take her life." Eric paused for effect.

"She was going to take some pills, and when I caught her, I did begged her not to, and she said that only Jason could stop her. Jason came into the drama then, I begged and begged him, to save my sister. Jason isn't all that bad you see Anna. He decided to save Mariah, knowing that she meant a lot to me. So he did what he could, he took her out for a night...The next day Mariah was happy, Jason went about in his own life, going after you again. That made Mariah sad, she decided to play her trick of killing herself again. But Jason didn't fall for it. He told me to take Mariah he could never see her anymore. I did. I took her to my hometown, and this night I couldn't imagine how she had found her way here. So, she took the last of Jason's patience and that's it, he killed her." Eric finished his long story, leaving me speechless.

"Mariah was such a fool, she was told to stay away, but she wouldn't." Eric said shaking his head, his tears had dried by now. "I miss her though." He added in a small voice.

I hugged him, all of a sudden and I could feel his muscles tense of a second before he hugged me back too. "Its okay." I said, finally breaking away.

Eric smiled, he pointed at my dress, which I hadn't changed out of, "You look beautiful in that..." I smiled shyly blushing.

I really wanted to ask Eric to help me escape, but I knew this want the right time. So I satisfied myself by asking a small question, "Where are we Eric?"

Eric shook his head, "I cant tell you that. Boss would kill me if he found out." I sighed, "Okay."

I was going to say something, but I stopped when I heard someone clearing their throat behind us. "Having a fun time here, are we?"

It was Jason, a mad, angry Jason. His eyes were pitch black, his cheeks tear stained and his palms balled into fists. I could tell he had the conversation between me and Eric.

Jason's face wore a well known evil smirk, "Oh Anna, you shouldn't have done this. Flirting with Eric, like that? You are in trouble."

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