chapter 46

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Anna's P.O.V.

So, I told my mother everything. How Jason kidnapped me when I was walking back from school, how he took me to a party where he killed a girl, and how he held me so hard that my skin would go red while his eyes were pitch black. I told her about the time I felt upset, and he was the one that was there for me. I told her how he cooked awesome food, and laughed and tickled me, and how we used to watch the sunset everyday. Then I told her about the crash, how Eric had planned everything, and how Jason had saved my life.

After I was finally done talking, my mother's hands were trembling and her eyes were filled with tears. I felt a really bad for her, and she reached out to me  again, engulfing me in a sweet scented hug. When she pulled away, she wiped away the tears from her eyes and swallowed once and bit her lip and began speaking, "You have been though so much Anna..."

I couldn't let her go on, so I cut in almost indignantly, "Like you haven't. I know what it must have been like for you home, alone, worried sick about me. I know that none of it was easy." I sighed. "I am sorry." I said, a lump in my throat.

My mother looked up at me, surprised. "Sorry for what?" I looked up at her, "For putting you through this." My mother smiled, her eyes shinning, "But I am happy." She said, "When I was coming up here to meet you after I got a call from a police that you were found, I was so so mad Anna. I wanted to rip out the neck of whoever took you. After all those sleepless nights I had endured without you, all because of that guy. I was so relieved to have you back Anna, but I wanted to make Jason pay for this. I was so happy that at last he was going to face justice. I just saw red everywhere, with my anger." She paused to catch her breath, before beginning again, "And when reached the hospital the doctors told me, very concerned, that you have been holding up a fuss about seeing him. That made me feel so scared. Angry at you too for wanting him after all this, but confused even more. Then I passed Jason's door while coming to your room here, and I heard him shouting." My mother looked down, almost looking guilty, she sighed, "I caught your name being said, and I had to listen. I knew it was Jason screaming inside because everyone just kept saying, well yelling at him to calm down, but he wouldn't. He wanted you. He was screaming Anna, desperately to see you. Just like you were for him. And when I listened to his voice, he sounded scared Anna, vulnerable. And then it just sort of clicked." She finished smiling.

I, still remained confused though, "Clicked?" I asked. My mother laughed, "Yes clicked. It instantly drew on me that he loved you. I could hear it in his voice. And when the nurse told me that you had been begging her to see Jason, I just rolled my eyes and said that she should have let you." My mother laughed again.

I couldn't help it, I laughed too, "Wow...thanks though mum, just means so much to me that you understand. You are the only one that does you know," I sighed. "I just feel like I cant survive without him, I am just...hopeless in a way maybe, but I can't help it. I need Jason. You know what I mean?" I said it as a rhetorical question so I was surprised when my mother answered, "Yes I know what you mean. I felt the same way with your father." She smiled.

It was then that I realised that I should probably tell her that Jason's gang was the one that killed my father, but somehow, even after all this, I couldn't bring myself to. She deserved to know, no doubt about that, but now wasn't the best time.

"Jason is not with me now, and the fact that I might never see him again is tearing me apart mum." I said, a lump suddenly forming in my throat.

My mother opened her mouth to respond, but a police man barged into the room, stopping her from doing so.

"You should probably leave now," he said gesturing towards my mother. She smiled politely and stood up from the stool. I didn't want her to leave yet, but she promised me she would be back to see me soon. Then she bent down and hugged me again, and just before she was about to pull apart, she whispered into my ear, "Follow your heart Anna." And then she was out of the door.

The police sat on the stool with a notepad and a pen in his hand, "Miss Valentine, I am going to need you to answer some questions for me. Could you do that?" He asked me, already beginning to jot things down on the notepad. I stared straight ahead, focusing on keeping my face blank.
"No." I replied.
The officer looked up, sighing, "I am sorry but this is important, and you have to answer me." He didn't sound sorry at all.
"Did McCann kidnap you?" He asked. Are you kidding? Was I seriously going to have to suffer this? I didn't bother answering.
When he relaised I wasn't going to answer, he shot another question at me, "Did he harm you in any way?"
"No." I said, keeping my face blank and not looking at him.
"Did he force you to do things?"
"Where did he take you?"
"I dont know."
"Do you press charges against Jason McCann for putting you through this?"
"Do you want a drink Miss Valentine before we continue?"
"Please, answer properly. This is crucial." The police sounded desperate, and I almost felt sorry for him. Almost.
Out of the corner of my eye, I saw him shake his head dejectedly and walk out of the door. I couldn't help smiling.


It was night time. I knew so because, the hospital was very quiet and even if I strained my ears I could hear nothing and it was dark when I looked out of the window. The clock hanging on the wall showed 11:55.

This evening more doctors had checked on me and asked me to speak to them, and the only response they had got was silence. I was pleased with myself for being able to frustrate them like this. They deserved it.

I sat up in bed, thankful that nothing was hurting. The IV tube had been taken out of my hand in the evening, and I was glad.

I swung one leg out of the bed and then very carefully the other broken one. I was thankful for the painkillers, trust me. Then I reached out for the crutches. I made sure I had a good grip on them before I stood up. I took a few sample steps to see if they were working all right and then I hobbled towards the door.

Once I was outside I looked around making sure one was watching, but to my luck, the corridor was deserted.

I grinned to myself; perfect.

Because besides whispering, "Follow your heart," my mother had also whispered something else to me. And that was 367.

Room number 367.

Jason's room.

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