The Iida Household

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After a somewhat silent walk, the two reached the nearby train station and boarded the east bound line. Katara looked through the brightly lit cabin with uncertainty, but was grateful it was empty at least due to the late evening.

"So at least this is kind of similar to what I had before." Katara said as she sat on the train seat next to Tensei.

"You had trains from where you came from?" he asked her.

"Yeah, but none were as big as this one. Usually just one or two carts that were pushed by earthbenders."

"people pushed the trains?" Tensei's mind immediately pictured Fred Flinstone as the train began moving.

"Thats right. The trains were made of rock so for a bender they simply push the rock along the track."

Tensei listened with interest to her as she explained how her home worked, people using powers for jobs just like he did. His eyes went down to the canteen she had on her waist and raised an eyebrow. "So I heard from Manual that you called him a waterbender since you saw his quirk."

Katara looked back to him and nodded, "Well, yeah. He controlled water just like I do. But... wait, why do you call them 'quirks'?"

the hero smiled and leaned forward. "Well, quirks are abilities that people have and can use. It seems you know of have four different elements and you can control one of them from where you came from, correct?"

Katara nodded again.

"Well, you seemed shocked to the chief when he walked in."

"Uh, yeah. He had an animal head!" She exclaimed, finally able to speak her mind, "I saw so many other odd things when I was in the city!"

Tensei simply laughed at her shock to the situation. "So obviously you haven't seen those kind of things before. The captain has a dog quirk, so he is obviously part dog. That means he has all the abilities a human and his animal form has together. Speed, strength and senses."

Katara tilted her head in confusion. "So... he can smell and hear as good as a dog?"

"Actually better. Anyone who specifically trains their skills can push them to unforeseen levels." He noticed Katara leaning over and staring at his backside. "Uh, something wrong?"

"You don't have like... a lemur tail or something, do you?"

Tensei burst out lauging and waved his hand at her question. "No no. Not everyone here has animal or element quirks. Some have powers to create weapons from their body or just glow. Others do things as simple as see miles away. Quirks can be anything from strength to mental powers."

Katara looked at the man next to her up and down, but couldn't see anything odd coming from him that she could tell was one. "So you have one of these... quirks?"

"Yes I do..." Tensei lifted up his arm and pointed to the golden pipes sticking out. "This is my engine quirk. It accelerates me and makes me very fast."

Her eyes widened as she stared at the metal pieces protruding out. "Wait, that's coming out of your body? I thought that was part of your armor!"

"No, its from me." He chuckled. "I have engines that come from my arms. They..." He looked at the empty train and smiled, "How about I just show you, instead."

Katara watched him stand up and walk towards the back door of the train and then turn back around. She glanced to the left down the long empty hallway and then back to him. "What are you going to do? The-

Her words stopped in her throat when she watched the thin column of flames burst out the top of his exhaust pipes and he blitzed forward through the cabin. Katara watched the blur of a man rush by her and cause a whirlwind passed her head and reach the end of the cabin in only a moment. Before she could even react, he flipped around and rushed back the other way. Her hair got whipped up and pulled by the gust following his body down the train before he skidded to a stop in front of her.

A Waterbending QuirkWhere stories live. Discover now