Fifty Four | Better This Way

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"Not gonna lie, that's a pretty good plot for a story..."

"Seriously? I just told his mother I had a crush on him while having a mental breakdown, it's worser than it sounds." I muttered into my pillow... that wasn't even really my pillow. I was at Carly's house today and I know I shouldn't even be here since she just got back from the hospital and semestral break is almost over for the kids too, but I couldn't be in the same room Sebastian was in... or in the room Chris was in... but he wasn't here so I was fine.

I'd very much like to be by myself before sitting next to him for the whole flight back to LA... which I will be going on with Sebastian too... but I had the perfect excuse and I did promise Carter I'd babysit the twins while Gracie and Josh had their day out, I didn't want to loose the opportunity.

Taylor laughs at me and shakes her head. She was in the studio and of course, I didn't know, and she told me it was the perfect time for some reason. She had just released her new album on the twenty seventh and had told me a lot about it, she was doing a few recordings to perfect them out and fix up a few things for the deluxe. I couldn't help myself and eventually, she saw through me.

"It can't be that bad (y/n). He confessed— so what? Think about the confession, give it a shot. And that's coming from me." Taylor joked, making sure to wink at me for a long amount of time. I rolled my eyes at her and playfully shook my head.

"What if I told you that's not the... I dunno, the whole story."

Taylor comically hits a wrong note on the piano and stares at me in shock, tilting her head to the side and keeping her eyes on me. "I knew it." she whispered, taking the phone with her, bringing it all the way to a couch, where she plopped down, legs crossed, ready for business. "I can't be wrong this time: you kissed."

Of course she'd know that. I squinted my eyes shut rub over them stressfully with my left hand. "I just— that wasn't the approach. I'm fine. We panicked."

"Oh please. You can lie to Lizzie but never to me, I could actually just call him up and ask."

"You got his number?"

"He's on your emergency contacts!"

"You snooped through my emergency contacts..?"

"I just wanted to know if I was on them; apparently not."

I rolled my eyes. "Look, it's not a big deal, I'll get over it."

"So you did kiss!"

"Bye Taylor~~" I say in a sing-song voice, ending the FaceTime and tossing my phone to the nightstand. I wanted to scream. But then, someone else did that for me. Unexpectedly. Shrilly.

I look back at the open door and waited for some footsteps maybe, a gasp or someone just like me, wondering out loud to what happened. It's just to make sure someone checked up on that but I didn't hear anything for five seconds. I groaned and pushed myself off of the bed and head downstairs, making quick work down the steps and looking around for the source. I end up stumbling into Top and Robin in the kitchen trying to make a sandwich. I huffed, relief washing over my body as I took a breather, just to calm down my senses and run my mind over how lazy I was to check up on them.

"What're you guys making?"

"A sandwich for Uncle Bas."

"Really?" I say picking out the bread loaf and mayonnaise they were trying to reach up before I ran down and thankfully stopped them. I open up the bag and hand them a slice, looking over at their ingredients plated nicely on the table. "Where is your Uncle Bas anyway?"

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