§ 53 - VICTON : TIME OUT §

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Requested by Soo_youngg

Caregiver : Seungwoo
Little : Subin


Sejun can sense something is wrong with Seongwoo and Subin right now. They literally hates each other right now.

Wait, but what is the reason? 

"Subin.. Subin ahh.."

Subin ignores the call of Seungwoo and goes straight to his room after they arrived at dorm.

They just wrapped up their promotion schedule for What I Said. The leader, Seungsik notice something is fishy about the group atmosphere since two days ago.

But he can't find the right time to talk about this, and Seungwoo slowly losing his patience.

Since tomorrow will be the starts of their two weeks holiday, Seungsik plans to do spring cleaning and thinking to pair SeungSub to get some groceries.

It might can be starter to talk about their problems.

That night, all of them just fall asleep without talking to each other. They just burn out and need their beds.

The next morning, Seungwoo, Subin and Hanse are assigned to get the groceries for the house. Wet food, dry food, toiletries and spring cleaning items.

Three of them go to the nearest supermarket and as the oldest in the group, Seungwoo divided the task.

Subin will get all the toiletries items, Hanse will handle the spring cleaning items and he will take care of their food items for a whole month.

Everything just normal before a sudden fight happen between Subin and a stranger.

"Seungwoo Hyung!  Hurry up!  Subin needs you!"

"What?!  Now what's happening?  Why all of them look at one place?"

"Subin!  Subin needs you!  He literally pick a fight with stranger! "

Seungwoo's eyes almost popped out from the socket, he leave the trolley and runs to Subin.


Seungwoo's hoarse voice echoed in the supermarket and the fight stop out of blue. He goes to Subin and glare at him.


He said that while clenching his teeth, Subin looks up and Seungwoo literally give a death glare to him.

Seungwoo said sorry to the stranger and he drag Subin with him. Subin knows he's fucked up for real.

"What's wrong with you Subin?  Since when you become a brat maknae?  I didn't teach you all the bad manners!"

Subin didn't give an answer, instead he stay silent while picking his fingers. Seungwoo huff and he leave Subin alone.

At that moment, Subin's heart break apart. Why it's hurt so bad?  Why Seungwoo ignores him?  Why?  Why Seungwoo did this?

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