When you have a nightmare

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-He woke up straight away and asked what's wrong
-Back rubs
-Listened to you while you were explaining
-Made you a tea to help you fall back asleep

-Played with your hair to calm you down
-Told you that your safe
-To comfort you he told you that he gets nightmares as well
-Wouldn't sleep until you did

-You had to wake him up, he's a heavy sleeper
-Head rubs/pats
-You both stayed awake speaking about the nightmare
-Even though it was the middle of the night, you both made coffee

-He was angry cause you woke him up
-Came around since he has nightmares as well
-Buried you in blankets, he used to do that after a nightmare because it gave him the feeling of security
-Made sure you were asleep and gave you a kiss

-Asked you what's wrong
-Listened to you explain your nightmare
-You both looked up what the nightmare could mean and the sign behind it
-You couldn't fall back asleep so you both made pancakes

-Gave you a concerned expression
-Held your hand and asked what's wrong
-Put his playlist on for you to calm down
-When you fell asleep he put his Pikachu blanket over you

-Started panicking but managed to ask you what's wrong
-Made you a herbal tea
-Let you play with his hair to distract you
-Cuddled with you until you fell asleep

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