How you meet

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You guys was best friends when you were little you was shotos escape from his dads intense training.
You lived on the same road and met each other in the local park you taught him how to use the swings and from that you guys become best friends he would always play with you any chance he got. Once his mum got put in the hospital Endeavor stopped shoto from seein you he told your parents you was a " distraction to his training" you hadn't seen shoto since that day but you never forgot him.

It was your first day at u.a you was walking to 1-a u had zoned out looking at how big the door was when u heard a deep voice from behind you "Oi dumbass are u gonna go in or keep staring at the door or is it to heavy for you to open" he had a huge smirk on his face. U just rolled your eyes and walked in. Once u was seated a green haired boy came up to you along side a very overly energetic boy. The overly energetic boy known as lida started lecturing you about classroom rules. As u weren't a morning person you told him to "piss off before u shut him up" this sparked Bakugo's attention.

U was at your local coffee shop before school when you saw a lavender haired boy sitting at a table he was also wearing a u.a uniform he noticed you staring you got flustered and quickly looked away.
Since it was going to be your first day at u.a you thought it would be best to at least know someone you gathered up all the courage you had (which wasn't a lot lol) to go and speak to him.You had got onto the topic of quirks he hesitantly told you his was brainwashing. You quickly replied back telling him how amazing that was and it would be so good to use against Villains. He was shocked at your reply to not calling him a villain and gave a soft smile. You guys then proceeded to walk to school together and he had asked if you wanted to meet up at lunch. You accepted (obv it's frickin Shinso who wouldn't) you went your different ways. Both glad you had made a friend.

You had just joined the league along side Toga and Dabi you had been recruited the same as them. You all introduced yourselfs and so did tomura.
Timeskip to a few hours later—
You was all hanging out in the bar tomura was going over plans about killing all might. You was trying to not fall asleep tomura noticed this and confronted u on not listening. You then proceeded to tell him everything he had just said u then threw a shady comment at him u exited the bar to calm yourself down. U heard the door go expecting it to be tomura about to threaten your life but it was dabi. "God job putting that crusty bastard in his place" you smirked. You and dabi had a good conversation before heading back into the bar. Dabi had decided u was one of the only ones he could put up with in the league. You grew  close mainly from slagging off the other members.

You was the first person he recruited for his league as your skills were very well known among the villains. Being the first person to join the league gave you lots of time to get to know tomura you guys quickly grew close. You helped tomura with lots of things such as when dabi and toga joined u convinced him it was a good thing and calmed him down when he got angry. Tomura respected you a lot for all that you've done for him and was happy to have such a loyal friend.

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