Cato x Sensitive!Reader

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This'll probably be short, I don't know. I don't have a lot of motivation at like 11 pm

Plot: You, the reader, have a ptsd over anyone raising their voice to you and are close up. Your boyfriend Cato had been having nightmares of the games. You tried comforting him, but something went wrong along the way...

I don't know if it's gonna stay as tiny angst or fluff, I'm not so sure


You had PTSD and severe anxiety whenever somebody yells or raised their voices at you in an angry way. This was thanks to your alcoholic father and abusive mother.

That didn't mean you turned out to be like any of them. No, you were very caring, strong, and smart. You were lucky to have the best boyfriend in the world: Cato.

When he first got reaped, your world almost shattered. You were scared that he wouldn't return home to you. But he did. He came home to you, and you've never been happier.

The only thing that's been changed are the nightmares Cato sometimes has. However, you were always there to comfort him. And he accepted it.

This time, something different happened.

You had a horrible day at training and all you wanted to do was sleep with Cato. He had another nightmare, thrashing in his sleep and muttering unintelligible things.

You woke up groggily this time, half asleep at the moment. "What was it this time?" You didn't know if it was because of how tired it was that changed the tone of your voice, but suddenly Cato got aggravated at you.

"What was it this time?!!" He boomed, his raised voice causing you to jump in surprise.

"I didn't mean it like that! I was just half asleep—" You squeaked out, feeling your body shake.

"You don't show any sort of sympathy?!" Cato had continued rambling on about this and all of a sudden you just flinched and whimpered.

Cato stopped and stared at you wide eyed as you wrapped your arms around yourself, your body shaking while you were on the verge of tears. "I'm sorry..."

You immediately ran out of the bedroom and hid inside a closet, rocking yourself back and forth before your PTSD really kicks in.

Cato instantly knew how badly he f*cked up. Forget his nightmares he was so stupid to yell at you for something you couldn't control and to even yell at you in the first place. He knew your past and he knew he shouldn't have snapped, yet he did it anyway.

He immediately searched the whole house trying to find you. He then found you in one of the closets with a tear-streamed face. You looked at him with broken (e/c) eyes and a scared expression and he felt like crying himself.

He crouched down beside you, crawling over to embrace you in his arms. You shook violently in his arms, gripping onto him like a lifeline.

"I'm so sorry (Y/N). This is all my fault." He murmured, placing a kiss on your forehead while holding you in his arms.

You didn't say anything, just held onto him and had your face hidden from view, muffling your sobs.

"I'm so sorry baby...I'm so sorry."

Cato had to shove aside his nightmares for now, this was an even worse nightmare. Having his s/o sobbing in front of him because of something he did.

He felt your head rest tiredly on his shoulder, you were close to passing out thanks to you crying.

Cato picked you up bridal style and laid you back onto the bed with him, his arms spooning you. He felt you move around so you could place your head on his chest, so the two of you would hold each other.

Placing one more kiss on your forehead, Cato soon drifted off to sleep.

And it was the best sleep afterwards he ever had.

The next morning, you greeted Cato like the night didn't even exist, making a ton of weight go off Cato's shoulders. You understood, and had still always comforted him.

So now, he made sure to always hold you whenever he sleeps, preventing any nightmares from occurring and just being able to hold you.

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