Grave Matters Part 2

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I have a feeling I did some of the readers dirty, ending it off on a cliffhanger. Real sorry about that lmao

Sooo I decided I might as well add a part 2. I have no regrets. It's short, so try and enjoy as best as you can.


"I'm, so, so sorry I was never able to contact you. I was apparently in a coma after the bombs blew up in the Capitol." Your husband chuckled sadly, messing up a bit of his hair.

After four years of no return, he finally showed up. You were close to tears, about to cry for the second time that day. Your son had opened the door, causing it to scream, alerting him to you.

(S/N) walked over to you, looking at you in concern. "Why are you crying, mom?" He turned his head to see the TV talking once more. He turned to see his dad, and looked back to you. "Is dad...?"

You nodded rapidly, your smile quivering as you continued watching the screen.

"I'll be coming home in a week... I'm not sure. God I just want to hold you right now, I miss you so much." Cato smiled, your heart melting at his words and handsome smile.

You held your son tightly, smiling as the screen as it turned off. You pressed a kiss to your child's head, rubbing his back as he hugged you back.

"I can meet dad soon..." Your child whispered happily, causing you to smile even wider.


Cato had just gotten back to District 2. He looked around to see so much had changed. He could remember it as clear as day, only five years ago it was a broken city, with buildings crumbling, the sky dim, and there was always a bad aura. Now, it looked just like when he was at home first. No, even better.

Cato decided to take a quick stroll, not knowing where you were. That was his first goal; find you. You were the first person he needed to find.

He ended up walking by a small park. He saw a small boy, sitting under a tree. It was the same tree that he proposed to you. Those memories brung butterflies to his stomach, a warm feeling making his heart beat faster.

Taking notice of the small boy, he noticed that the child had similar hair to his, and similar blue eyes. The child's eyes locked to Cato's, and widened a few seconds later. Hopping from the grassy spot, the child ran over to Cato, holding onto his arm excitedly.

"Are you Cato?" He asked, grinning. Cato nodded, raising an eyebrow. "Yep, that's me. What's the reason?"

The child's eyes sparkled in joy, and tried dragging Cato somewhere. Cato laughed at the child, following him to wherever the child was taking him. Thoughts were running through his head, but none of them could come to a legit one.

Suddenly, the two of them ended up at a small house. It wasn't too big, yet large enough for at least 3 people. The child didn't go into the home, though. The two went around to a garden, or more of a meadow. He looked around, seeing all the beautiful flowers standing out against the sun. He looked back to see the child disappear, almost as if he never existed. He walked back to see the back of the home, only to see the child drag a woman out of the house.

The woman was very familiar. Silky (h/l) (h/c) hair, and bright (e/c) eyes. It's only been 5 years, yet you were still the most beautiful thing that appeared in his eyes.

"(Y/N)..." Cato called out to you, as he watched a smile form from your lips. You swallowed before smiling wildly.

"Cato..." His name rolled off your tongue so easily, bringing butterflies through his stomach once more.

Suddenly, you ran to him and jumped into his arms, your world was whole once more. Cato smiled widely, picking you up and spinning you around, causing you to squeal in happiness. He laughed along with you, feeling his heart soar in happiness.

He placed you down a minute later, caressing your hair - one of his favourite physical qualities of you. "You're here..." You croak out, tears starting to fall down your cheeks again. They flowed like a waterfall, swimming down your face and dribbled off your chin. Cato kissed the salty tears away from your face, although a few fell from his own eyes as well.

"I promised you, didn't I?" He whispered softly to you, as you let out a noise in happiness. You cupped Cato's cheeks with your hands, and kissed him passionately. It was the type of kiss you never wanted to break from, even if your lungs screamed at you for oxygen. Cato kissed back just as passionate, moving his hands to your waist and pulled you close to him.

You pulled back after thirty seconds, though it felt like years to you. You got lost in his eyes, the perfect shade of blue of a clear lake.

"I've missed you so much, Cato..." You murmured, pressing your forehead to his. "And I you." Cato responded, smiling back.

"Mom?" Your son called behind you. You two pulled away to see your son, smiling happily. "Is this dad?"

Cato started to tear up even more, looking at you. "Is he my son?" You nodded, watching as your son crashed into your husband. Cato picked up your son and twirled him around, putting (S/N) on his shoulders. (S/N) giggled like a child, calling out to you excitedly. "Mom! Look! Dad has me lifted off the ground!"

You couldn't help but laugh back, happy that the two got along so well.


You laid in bed after singing your son to sleep. You felt the bed creak a little, turning to see Cato. You felt his arms wrap around your waist protectively, pulling you close to him. Resting your head on his chest, you wrapped your arms around him like a koala hugging its mother (or in this cause, spouse).

"I love you, Cato..." You mumbled, starting to slowly drift off in Cato's arms.

"I love you too, (Y/N). No matter what." He confirmed back.

Finally after years of constant nightmares, or nights with insomnia, you finally had your peace, and everything you needed was beside you throughout the whole night.

And in the morning when you woke up.

I wrote fluff. You're welcome lol (how do I end this uhhh - hi)

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