Grave Matters

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This chapter will try to be angsty. But I'm really bad at it so save me some slack.

Plot: I don't want to reveal the plot so I won't be saying it right now. I think if I say it I'll be ruining the surprise, so have fun.

(S/N) = Son's name

This will be taking place after the war.


You sat down onto the grassy floor, the meadow of flowers blinding everything from view except for your house. In front of you was a small tombstone, along with some of your husband's favourite things.

You sighed to yourself, remembering what happened just years ago. Your beloved husband went to storm the Capitol with Katniss Everdeen, and other Victors. He never returned, however no one could confirm he was dead.

You believed he was still alive, all though everyone else told you to move on and find someone else. Hell, they even set you up with different guys. But none of them could compare to the person you loved. You couldn't bear to love someone else, when you still love your dear lover.

You smiled at the tombstone in front of you. You still had a feeling he was alive, but you made a memorial to talk to him in spirit somehow. It made you feel grounded and in place.

"Hey Cato," You murmured, starting your conversation off to the rock.

"How are you? I hope you're doing well...

"Annie tried setting me up with someone again. I still wonder why she tries. They're all trying to convince me that you're gone. But I don't want that... and they never confirmed you were gone..." You rambled, looking down at a photo that you cherished dearly.

It was a picture of you and Cato getting married in District 13. Your last treasured moment spent with the man you loved until he was sent away.

If you believed Cato was dead like the others, you would've gone into a horrible depression. But you haven't. Not just because of your hope that Cato is still out there,

But for your son.

You found out you were pregnant only a few days after Cato left. Now he's four, and looks so similar to his father; golden hair, and icy blue eyes. He was the reason you stayed strong.

You refused to tell your son why he didn't have a father. Not until he was able to understand the monstrosity of the games that you and Cato were put through. You knew that he'd also learn about it in school.

"(S/N) is just like you. I don't know what I'd do without him. I know if you were gone, you'd want me to move on. But I can't. I don't want him to be raised by a father that isn't his, just like how I can't love another man like you." You felt something wet trail down your cheeks. You knew what they were, and you knew exactly why you were crying.

"Please Cato... if you're out there, come home. Not just for me, but for (S/N). He wants to meet you so badly." You murmured, chuckling sadly at the memory.

"When can I meet daddy?" Your son asked, jumping up and down like a kid in a candy store.

You crouched down to look at your son. "I don't know, (S/N). Hopefully soon..." You replied, a sad smile on your face. You didn't even know if Cato would ever return.

(S/N) didn't understand what you meant by your words. He assumed that he'd meet his dad soon. But you had a feeling he might not, despite your hopes.

"Hi dad!" Your son ran to you and the tombstone, hugging you tightly. You were taken by surprised, but wrapped your arms around your energetic son's body. By now, your tears have dried up.

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