If you fought someone in school

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Yes this is taking place in a school, deal with it. I did this cause I felt so bored and tumblr gave me some inspiration sooo...

Writing format: Headcanon


-Oh, somebody wants to fight you, you say?

-And its a guy who thinks he's stronger than you?

-Hunny you better think again

-Your ass is gonna get beat

-Yeah sure Cato's muscles aren't just for show and he can snap anyone's neck.

-But the boys are a little more scared than you for something that happened recently.

-What happened? Well I'm glad you asked

-Cato and Clove (who is your bestie) were heading out from classes to go to lunch. They still hadn't seen you throughout the whole day which concerned them.

-They walk out to their lockers to see a huge crowd chanting, "Fight fight fight!"

-They pushed through the crowd to see something they didn't expect

-You had some dude pinned down like a pretzel, his arms bending the wrong way and your shoe was digging into the boy's back, forcing him down.

-And you were beating him to a bloody pulp

-Not like slapping someone like miss Kelly in K-12

-Like, fists impacting on bones. Without any sort of hesitation

-There was also some blood on the locker doors-

-Sis I get you have no mercy but your hands are covered in this dude's blood

-(Don't tell anyone I said this but Cato thought you were really hot when you pinned this boy down and was kicking his ass 👀)

-You had a malicious grin on your face, sneering at the boy (almost like Clove's when she almost killed Katniss)

-"Does your point still stand now?" You cooed, hearing the boy's arms pop.

-This dude who was probably a few inches taller than you was screeching like a little girl. So much for 'hIm BeInG bEtTeR tHaN yOu'

-Also where tf was a teacher

-This whole time there wasn't a single damn teacher that walked their ass down this hallway.

-You finally got up, stretching and flicking some of the blood off your hands and onto the boy's already bloody face

-You did a little spin before walking off and acted like nothing happened while everyone else cheered.

-Oh but before you could leave Cato wrapped his arms around you and - with a proud smirk - yelled,

-"See that? That's my girlfriend."

-He was so proud of you though

-And so was Clove

-Cato also had asked if you could teach him how to bend someone's arms like that

-Because the injured dude got two dislocated arms and had to go to the hospital.

-You got suspended but it was so worth it

-Cato skipped his own classes so he could hang out with you

-He an amazing boyfriend and will 100% support you when you're fighting someone else

-He even cheers you on like damn-

-But if somebody plays unfair then he's getting involved

-And somebody is gonna die if it escalates to you getting hurt—

-But after a fight he always hugs you tightly and kisses you, also taking you to (favourite place) afterwards as a celebration (because you win any fight that isn't escalated)

-Be glad Cato is so supportive, he's the best husband and treat him right please 💕 (I mean we all would already but still)

I had no clue what to write so I was just like 'ooh what if I did this?'

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