If you were in quarentine

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This wasn't the original one I planned, it just came to mind. I know I said I wouldn't upload again but school is so boring. (theres another one that I am originally still planning)

I can't focus at all sadly. So you're gonna get one or two more chapters today, so I hope you enjoy it!

(This will be in headcanon form because chaos can only work in headcanon form)

THIS IS NOT IN A HUNGER GAMES AU lmao imagine COVID 19 in the hunger games, I couldn't 😂

There will still be the Districts


❥Oh, quarantine you say?

❥Cato is fucked-

❥You are fucked-

❥You're both fucked

❥Cause you two crave each other's affection

❥You two need to be together so you know you're ok or that you're there

❥Even if it's just having your hands brush against each other

❥So when you two had to quarantine

❥It was b a d

❥For District 2, the population was larger than others so the quarantine was really bad

❥You two were in a lockdown zone my god

❥You need to get your government together istg

❥You two didn't live together at the time so you guys weren't able to physically see each other

❥Yeah texting and calling is cool but not being able to hug or kiss Cato was the problem

❥You had an emergency wardrobe full of Cato's hoodies though

❥You sent Cato some of your own things

❥And you even made stuff for him because you loved him

❥He always bought you nice gifts (but they're at your doorstep cause of dumb COVID)

❥So you two were somewhat happy with the situation you were in

❥It only took a month before you were not Mcloving it anymore

❥Your mood swings really said 'bonjour' and you kind of had those low bipolar moments of depression

❥Hell you were starting to think you were bipolar or depressed (if you are, I am so sorry, I hope this didn't offend anyone)

❥When people were able to start visiting each other, your parents immediately took you to some dumb party you didn't sign up for without your consent

❥Your parents got covid

❥You ended up getting covid

❥And your parents lost parent points


❥Cato was still working out when he could to try and stay sane

❥And he went to visit you but apparently he wasn't allowed in

❥He was so confused until you texted him

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