Prompt #3

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You were an arachnophobic. Meaning you were fucking terrified of spiders. (Same though 😔)

Any sort of contact with a spider even if they're a yard away is an instant anxiety attack for you. There was a point that you had grabbed a goddamn knife because you're anxiety was that bad.

So you were in your room, chilling, until you saw something move from the corner of your eye. You turned to see something black crawling by your wall. You moved in closer to realize what it truly was.

Oh no.

Oh dear no.

You lost your shit.

Inside your head you were screeching so loud that if people could hear thoughts, the whole country of Panem could hear. But you couldn't scream at all. You power walked back to a room that was in the opposite of yours, passing Cato on the way. He went after you to see that you were sitting on the sofa, rocking yourself back and forth and trying desperately not to get something to brutally kill it.

Cato put two and two together, and headed to your room with a paper towel. He got close to the spider and grabbed it (probably smushing it with his iron grip), flushing it down the toilet. Some people say to just set it free outside, but he knew you were so paranoid of it living incase it laid a sac of eggs to hatch a billion more of those demons from lower hell.

Cato then went back to comfort you, bringing you into his arms and rubbing your back up and down. He whispered sweet nothing to you softly, calming you down and waiting for you to go back to your normal self.

It took a few minutes, some kisses, hugs, and a cuddle from your boyfriend, but you managed to forget the spider even existed.

"You ok, (Y/N)?" Cato looked at you softly. You looked down, nodding your head.

"Hey," Cato put a finger to your chin, making you look up at him.

"It's ok to be afraid of something. I'm here for you, ok?" His voice soothed you, as if his affection wasn't enough for you to die right then and there. (Not legitimately lol)

You nodded, giving Cato a chaste kiss on the cheek in a thanks.

Afterwards, you two watched a movie to get rid of the creature. He got you some (favourite snacks) and let you pick the movie. You felt much better after that. God what would you do without Cato?

The rest of the prompts will be posted tomorrow!

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