Prompt #2

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You groaned in annoyance as the knife's handle stuck into the dummy' heart for the fiftieth time. Your aim was spot on, but you had trouble getting the blade to stick into the material and not the handle. You decided to train on your own, you and Cato being the only ones in the Academy at the time.

You had enough and randomly chucked a knife, it clattering across the room and went straight at you.

"Ah shit!" You cursed, dodging out of the way as the blade stuck to the wall behind you.

"Watch your fucking language, (Y/N)!" Cato called out. Oh this dude did not.

You turned to him, feigning offense. "Excuse me, you just f-bombed right there, you should watch your language!"

He rolled his eyes. "Well I'm so sorry, yOuR mAjEsTy." He mocked, spiting you. You shoved him playfully to the ground, but not expecting to be pulled down with him.

You pushed yourself up to face him. "Hi."

"Hi." He responded.

"Can you let me go? I want to practice throwing knives again." You struggled to lift yourself up, only for Cato to pull you back down again.

"Nah, I like it here. Besides, we both know you can't throw a knife even if your life depended on it." Cato remarked, causing you to hit his shoulder playfully.

"Well maybe if you taught me then I could." You countered, causing Cato to think about it.

"Hmm...maybe in five minutes." He remarked, causing you to make a noise of defiance.

"One more thing, Cato." You said, breaking a small silence.


"You need to watch your own fucking language." You smirked down on him.


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