Chapter 4 Pt 5- Trial starts

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MonoMolten: now, let me explain the rules!

Atsumu: for the last time we don't need an explanation! We get it!

MonoMolten: ok ok fine! Sheesh kids these days...

Kenma: actually..,before we start...could I ask something..?

MonoMolten: sure! Go ahead!

Kenma: why didn't you give us a MonoMolten file this time around..?

MonoMolten: hmmmm I wonder I wonder indeed

Kuroo: we'll I don't think we'll get anywhere asking that question. Lets just start instead.

Osamu: yeah, we should probably figure out how he was killed to start off with

Y/n: (how Aone was killed? I think it's quite obvious, but I'll still have to prove it to everyone else to get them on my side)

Non-stop debate:

Kuroo: so how did the killer..

Kuroo: kill Aone with the door locked..?

Ushijima: was he strangled..?

Atsumu: guys it's obvious!

Atsumu: the killer simply stabbed him

Y/n: no that's wrong!!

Y/n: Atsumu...did you even look at the body...?

Atsumu: hmm not really, I just got a small glimpse

Y/n: if you actually looked you'd notice how there was no blood anywhere. And he had no wounds on his body either

Atsumu: ah okkkk, then maybe Ushijima had something with the whole strangling idea?

Tendou: no rope marks, so it's kkiinnnddaa impossible for that as well

Ushijima: I see

Osamu: so did he die?

Y/n: I believe me and Bokuto have the answer to that

Bokuto: we do?

Y/n:(at least back me up slightly..)

Y/n: when we were in the nurses office earlier, didn't you say that there was a bottle missing a label?

Bokuto: oh yeah! When I went earlier with y/n there were two bottles of paracetamol missing, and one bottle missing a label!

Kuroo: paracetamol huh? I took one out for Kenma, but no clue about the other

Y/n: yeah, we'll look what I found in the kitchen bin!

Ushijima: a label?

Y/n: more accurately, a label for poison

Osamu: wait so they poisoned him?!

Kuroo: hey Bokuto, was there much in the bottle without a label?

Bokuto: uhh don't think so. Hardly anything at all actually. Now that I think about it that's kinda dangerous!

Atsumu: ok, so they poisoned him? But how did they do it

Atsumu: I'm pretty sure Aone isn't just going to let them chuck an unknown substance into his drink

Y/n:(right, we need to figure out how the killer poisoned him. I have a faint idea but I need to come to a definite conclusion)

Non stop debate-

Atsumu: so how did the killer poison him?

Kuroo: did they do it whilst he wasn't looking?

Tendou: I doubt it, why would he look away from a bottle for that long

Ushijima: maybe they had it already prepared

Y/n: I agree with that! Ushijima, you said yourself that Aone would go and get a bottle of water every night before he went to bed right?

Ushijima: yes. He told me about this a couple of days before the incident

Y/n: so maybe the killer knew about this too, and that's why they spiked it beforehand. Knowing he would grab one.

Atsumu: sounds like a solid theory, however it has some holes


Atsumu: you say that he spiked his drink. But there are many drinks in that cabinet, and not much poison. So how would he know what drink Aone would take?

Y/n: it's simple really, they didn't need to guess. They could just make him pick that one themselves.

Osamu: how?

Y/n: when I checked in the kitchen earlier, all of the bottles were moved into a separate cabinet.

Y/n: if they had only left one bottle in the original cabinet, then Aone would most definitely take that one

Osamu: oh I see, that makes sense

Atsumu: ok, we'll then I think I have our culprit

Y/n: already?!

Atsumu: Bokuto, earlier you mentioned seeing something last night?

Bokuto: oh yeah! Hmmmmmm what was it?? I met kuroo outside of the nurses office, and Kenmas door was open!

Atsumu: exactly, so Kuroo, what were you doing in front of the nurses office? Smuggling poison perhaps?

Kuroo:huh!? Of course not! I was getting medicine for Kenma

Kuroo: it seemed like he might've hit his head pretty hard on something, he could barely remember any of the past few days. He was aching, so I got him some paracetamol.

Atsumu: if that was the case, then care to explain why the doorknob was broken?

Kuroo: the door was locked and Kenma needed that medicine. What do you want me to do let him ache?!

Bokuto: yeah! Kuroo wouldn't kill anybody!

Y/n:(was it really kuroo..? I feel like somethings off...)

Kenma: before we assume it was Kuroo...can we talk about something that's been bothering me..?

Y/n:oh, yeah sure go ahead

Kenma: the position Aone died in... it was weird. If it was poison, shouldn't he of still been in his bed...or at least slunched over it..?

Tendou:oh! He has a point!

Ushijima: why was Aone in that position..?

Non stop debate-

Atsumu: he probably didn't drink it until the morning

Atsumu: so when he did, he tried to stand up and fell!

Tendou: does it take effect that fast though?

Kuroo: I'm guessing it takes effect quite fast

Y/n: no that's wrong! Here take a look at the label again

Osamu: it says it takes 12 hours I take effect...

Y/n: yeah, so I could've drunk it last night, and then this morning...

Tendou: it also seems like he was trying to open the door, don't ya think?

Bokuto: maybe when Kuroo was knocking?

Kuroo: the doors are sound proof, I'd have no way of hearing if anything happened...

Atsumu: so you went to go make sure your victim died before anybody else found the body. Smart move.

Kuroo: for the last time I didn't kill him!!

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