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I pulled back breathless, a string of his saliva trailing behind. He quickly laid against me. I wiped my mouth, holding him. "You ok?" I asked him. He nodded, glancing up at me.

The hot steam from the shower made my breaths thick and heavy. "I just need to relax, I'm so nervous." He grinned. I nodded feeling nervous as well. "We're gonna finish this." I leaned forwards, his eyes trailing towards me.

"Our life is....pretty interesting." Jimin smiled. I nodded, pressing my lips against his.


I nodded at Hyun Ki as he walked ahead of us. "Jungkook! We saw the security tape, mind speaking about it." The lady shoved the microphone up to him.

I grabbed Jungkook's waist, pulling him beside me.
He glanced at me, I continued to stare forwards as paparazzi continued to snap photos.

  "Jimin, Won Shik was your partner before correct?" I listened to the man question me. I swiftly walked past him only focused on the doors ahead of me.

"Right this way." The man pointed towards the Witness stand. Jungkook followed closely behind me as Hyun Ki branched off, sitting down with the crowd.

I glanced at the man, standing across from us. Won Shik's eyes lit up as he stared at me, a grin growing on his face.

"I have no reason to lie!" Won Shik growled, his anger rising. I sighed keeping my attention on the judge. "My client is obviously angry due to the fact that there is a possibility that Do Han Sang could have staged this. That's why he planted the camera." The lawyer pranced around enthusiastically.

The judge looked concerned, possibly contemplating his statement. "So stupid." I whispered. My blood boiling as I felt myself heat up.
    "Why must we continue to make someone's pain a joke to others? This is nothing to laugh at or contemplate about." I glanced at the judge. His stare was stern as he paid attention.

  "Do Han Sang showed us the truth." I stepped outside of the stand walking towards the center of the room.
   "Your honor-
"Continue." He shushed the lawyer, pointing at me. I glared at Won Shik as I spun around.

"We've been here before. You have put me through so much but today, today is justice for those who didn't have a say. Overcome by fear of having people's opinions run wild because of your status! They had no one to turn to in fear of being criticized!" My eyes watered as I balled up my fist.

"I will not allow you to continue to hurt others. You deserve every bit of what's coming to you." I pointed at him. The amusement in his eyes as he watched me struggle to hide tears and steady my breathing.
    "You love it.. seeing me this broken." I let the tears go, Jungkook quickly approached me.

"It's ok. We've done good Jimin. Calm down." He pulled me into a hug. I cried feeling frustrated.
   "Ahm mmh." The lawyer cleared his throat.

"The courtroom is no place for emotions to run wild. His passionate statements have only validated my point. What sex industry animal is allowed to make such remarks?" He smiled, glancing over at me.

Jungkook glared at him as we walked back towards the stand. The judge sighed, handing folders to the approaching police officer.
    "You may read the verdict." He rubbed his temples, sadness expressed on his face.

"So say you all?" The judge continued. "Yes your honor." Voices of all pitches answered in unison.

"Unwelcomed sexual advances, mocking of victims and blatant lies. It's obvious what type of man you are Won Shik. I do remember the case you had with Mr Park but, it was the smile on your face today that made my decision." He glanced at me.
    "I hereby find the Defendant guilty!" He shouted. Chills ran down my arms as I heard sudden shouts.

The court room went up in flames. "I'll kill you!" Won Shik suddenly rushed towards me. I instinctively pushed Jungkook out of the way, ready to defend myself.

  My eyes widened as Hyun Ki swiftly jumped up, tackling Won Shik in front of me.
    "Get some decency! What kind of circus events are we playing into?!" The judge shouted, annoyed.

Officers quickly grabbed onto Won Shik as he spat at me. "Park Jimin... I'll kill you!" He angrily thrashed wildly as I stared back at him, feeling drained.
    I suddenly felt weak, shaking from the intensity of my surroundings. Jungkook clutched onto me although, I knocked him down.

He sympathized with me. Silence filled the room as Hyun Ki stood close by us. Won Shik finally gone from the public eye.

The judge stared wide eyed, stress seeping from his pores as he wiped his sweat away.
   "Without further delay, this court is adjourned!" The loud clicking sound, silencing everyone.
   "All rise." A stern voice erupted. Everyone stood up glancing our way. Concern spread out on their faces.

The lawyer sighed as he packed up his things.
"Go get some rest." I listened to a soft whisper. I turned around glancing at the judge who quickly glanced away from me as he stepped down.

My lips parted as I watched him tiredly disappear into a back room, accompanied by security.
Am I hallucinating? Jungkook pulled me along.

"Wake up." Someone nudged me. My eyes fluttered open as I looked at a shirtless Jungkook in front of me. I stared at him, basking in his beauty as the light shinned brightly on his skin.

"Get up Jimin." He chuckled. I snapped back, quickly sitting up. "Sorry, I got distracted." I glanced at a cup in his hands. He nodded sitting down.
   "What's up?" I yawned, my chest exposed and cold.
"You're red and bloated." He looked concerned.

"Really?" I grabbed onto my face, embarrassed.
"Yes, now drink." He chuckled, handing me the cup.
I clutched onto it, the warm ness stinging my fingers.
   I quickly sipped some of the tea, the heat coursing through my chest.

"Blah." I pulled back, sticking my tongue out. He laughed, scooting closer. "It's medicated so drink it up, quickly." He continued laughing as I chugged it on the verge of spitting it out.

"How do you feel?" He asked. I sighed.
"A little blank, like I need to do something fun." I shrugged. He laughed as I stared back, confused.
  "I meant, how do you feel after drinking the tea?" He buried his face, continuing to laugh.

"I- oh, I-I think I'm fine. Uh.." I scratched my head. He laughed, as he fell backwards onto the bed.
"I didn't mean to sound so depressed." I laughed as I crawled towards him, laying on top of him.

"It's ok." He smiled, wrapping his arms around me.
"If you're depressed, I'll make you feel better." He glanced at me. I snuggled against him, letting myself relax.

Hyun Ki:

"Do you like him?" She asked, her cheeks burning red. I grinned.
   "Yeah, a lot actually." I smiled. Her eyes widened as she stared back at me. "Doesn't he date j-

"Yeah, he does. They're practically married at this point." I stood up, looking at the attractive women who passed by me.

"Why do I always want things that I can't have? I just can't get him off of my mind." I glanced back at her. She nodded understandingly.

"Well what are you gonna do?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I'll just-


The Camboy's Toy. [jikook] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now