Do it for me.

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"Don't do that." Jimin frowned at me. I shrugged and took another huge bite out of his ice cream cone.
    "I did it agai- ow ow!" Jimin pinched my nipple, I rolled across the bed. He laughed.

    "You didn't have to be rough." I winced looking down at it. "I thought you liked it rough?" He smirked. I shifted my gaze, embarrassed.
    "Yeah, I guess." I rubbed it. He chuckled softly before wrapping his arms around my chest, gently laying over my shoulder. He quickly pecked at my cheek.

       "I want you to do something for me." I laid my head against his. He leaned forward and looked at me from the side. I glanced over at him.
    "What's that?" He licked his lips anxiously.

"Cook for me." I smiled. He groaned and laid against my neck. "I don't feel like it." He whined. I sighed and nodded understandingly. He quickly jumped up and grabbed onto my wrist as we crawled out of bed.

    "W-what happened?" I walked alongside him. He handed me the ice cream cone.
"I don't want to leave you disappointed." He wrapped his hand around my waist, clutching onto my robe strap.

Authors note:
~Sorry, but I'm about to desensitize you all over again~ :) enjoy.

"Wow." I was stunned. I never knew Jimin could cook like this. I mean, everything looked so cheesy and delicious. I quickly dug into the plate eating as if I've never eaten before. He smiled watching me eat.
       "Hungry?" He grinned. I nodded in between bites. He sat back into his chair with a sigh.

     "What's the matter?" I glanced over at him. He shook his head seemingly in deep thought. He smiled brighter this time. "Jimin." I whispered.
     "I-I wanna take our relationship further, I just can't explain it." He sighed staring at me. I felt my heart flutter from his gaze.

"We've come such a long way Jungkook." He chuckled to himself. I closed my eyes, reminiscing.
"Yeah, I never thought we'd end up together. It's like a dream come true for me." I smiled. He walked towards me before snuggling up against me.

"I still can't believe that you used to watch me, fanboy." He teased me. I blinked rapidly, embarrassed. "Y-yeah. I liked you so much in the past. So much that I'd do anything to-

"F*ck me?" Jimin suddenly pulled back, staring down at me. I stared back in disbelief. I noticed his breathing had increased, his mouth was parted as he stared into my eyes waiting for the answer that he already knew.

I nervously bit my lip. "Y-yes. I was so desperate to see your soft features. I remember the strange feeling that formed in my stomach whenever I would watch you." I averted my gaze and began to eat again.

"What if it wasn't you who won that night? You think we would've ever seen each other again?" Jimin held his intense stare. I shifted in my chair.
"I don't think...we would've." My chest ached in realization. What if I didn't win?

Jimin gently shoved the food out of the way, I dropped my spoon startled by his sudden movements. I felt like my senses were heightened. I shivered as he looked down at me, observing my every move.

I.... feel...

Jimin ran his hand through my hair, leaning forward. My breath hitched as I stared down at his lips. "This is...dangerous." I whispered softly. I don't feel like myself.

The Camboy's Toy. [jikook] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now