You look delicious.

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    Me, Jimin and my father talked for hours until my mom finally showed up. We bonded over a few drinks and a couple plates of food.

     I couldn't thank Jimin enough for arranging this family gathering.

"I.. love you......I love you." Jimin stumbled into the house. "Yes, yes I heard you 21 I love you's ago." I yawned. He plopped down onto the couch.

     "Jungkook....." He called out. "Yes Jimin?" I answered. He deeply breathed before staring up at me. I sat down next to him.
    "Do you love me?" He asked tearing up. I sighed wiping his eyes.

   "Yes Jimin, you can't keep crying alright." I rubbed his back. He huffed as he continued to cry. I overestimated his alcohol tolerance. I grinned at him. I've never seen him so emotional before....
     "Why do you keep crying?" I poked at his cheek. His eyes bore into mine.

    "B-because I've never felt this way before. I'm so scared that you'll leave me someday." He continued to sob into my shirt. I stared wide eyed as I clutched onto him. I watched him as he wrapped his arms around me, tears dropping into my lap.

"I love you...okay. You've had way too much to drink." I sighed. He wiped his face on my shirt and looked up at me with sad eyes.
     "I have?" He questioned. "Yes." I helped him stand and I picked him up.

    He wrapped his arms around my neck as I began to carry him upstairs.

"Go change." I sat him down. He rubbed his eyes as he stumbled towards the closest. I held in my laugh as I took off my tear soaked shirt.

     "I can't find anything." He stumbled out half naked. He had on Pokémon pajama bottoms. I swallowed hard staring at his chest. I ignored the sudden neediness I felt and walked towards him.

   I helped him get settled into bed, I laid beside him growing tired. As I was dozing off, I felt his warm hands slide into my pants.
     I tiredly grabbed his hands. "No Jimin. You need to relax and get sober." I held onto his hands, my eyes closed.

   I felt warm ness against my neck as he ran his tongue across it. I pulled away but I was so tired I didn't even have the energy to move.
       His hands caressed my body as he fondled with me. All I could hear was his shaky, desperate breathing.

      "Are you sober?" I mustered the strength to ask. He licked my nipple, suddenly biting it. I gasped.
     He flipped me onto my back and crawled on top of me. My eyes slightly opened as I stared up at him.

    Fear consumed me as I stared into his eyes. I couldn't recognize this person. I scrambled backwards with a yelp but his hands firmly grabbed onto me. What's happening?


       I jolted awake, sitting up. I glanced at the person next to me. It was Jimin fast asleep with his Pokémon pajama pants. I harshly breathed out, getting out of bed and tucking Jimin back in.

      Who was that? It was Jimin but it didn't look like him. I'm just glad it was a nightmare.
     I frantically walked towards the fridge, grabbing a glass of milk.

I rubbed my temples and peered out of the kitchen window. I looked down seeing all the cars and the stars shinning in the sky. It's about time I go live...

"Yeah sorry guys, I know it's late and all." I looked at the chat. "I just couldn't sleep." I waved.
I read some of the comments and sighed.
They want something sexual.....welp, I guess I kinda signed up for this..... literally.
I gently took off my shirt and laid back against the chair.

"Is that good enough?" I asked. I laughed looking at the chat. "You guys are crazy." I shook my head.
A donation flashed onto the screen and I was instantly taken aback.

"2-200$! Thank you so much anonymous." I whispered and waved. I continued to read the note attached to it. I chuckled. So that's why I received 200$.

I quickly reached under the desk and pulled out a dildo. I gulped as I stared into the camera.
"You guys can thank anonymous for this one although, I didn't know you guys were so eager." I shyly pulled off my pants and positioned myself in the chair.

I looked around. The lube is upstairs and I refuse to wake Jimin up. I'm embarrassed as it is.
I thought to myself. I swirled my tongue around my mouth before spitting directly onto the dildo and rubbing it.

I gently positioned it at my entrance, taking a deep breath. All it took was one single thought of Jimin before I pushed it in all the way.
I gasped as I stared at the camera. I stiffened up as my eyes watered and my lips quivered.

I stayed still for about 10 seconds before I finally began to maneuver it around. In then out, in then out. I squinted as I breathlessly continued.
The random memories of Jimin pounding into me made me needy. I heaved as I forced it deeper thinking about Jimin.

Jimin pov:

"J-Jungkook?" I whispered tiredly getting out of bed.
I stumbled quietly out into the hallway feeling lonely. This condo was always shitty when I lived alone... I made my way downstairs expecting to see him any minute now but, I didn't.

"Jungkook?" I softly whispered, slightly panicking at the thought that he left. I softly pitter pattered around the place until I noticed a slight gasp coming from the recording room.

I heard a loud groan, growing nervous I rushed towards the door. "J-Jungkook?" I slowly opened the door.
I watched in silence as he threw his head back, shaking and crying out. I watched his chest rapidly rise and fall as he made a mess all over himself.

His eyes rolled back as he squirmed, unable to control his body.
My heart ached in desperation for a split second as my lips curved into a small grin.
I quietly closed the door and walked backwards until my back hit the wall.

I bit my lip, restraining the urge to rip my clothes off and storm into that room. Restraining the urge to fuck him senseless and watch him quiver underneath me like a rabbit trapped by a wolf that just won't let him free.

I heard footsteps and so I swiftly dashed to the living room, sitting down and quickly getting on my phone. I heard his rugged breathing right before he went silent. My heart was pounding loudly in my ears.

"J-Jimin? I mean ummm.. good morning." He made his way over to me. "Good morning." I didn't dare look at him, trying my best to remain calm and act like I didn't hear or see anything.

He sat down beside me shirtless, he nervously glanced over at me. "Did you hear anything down here?" He suddenly asked throwing me off guard. I forced my eyes not to widen as I responded.

"I mean, the only thing that I could hear was the sudden car honks or the soft refrigerator noise." I chuckled clutching onto my phone for dear life. He smiled and shyly nodded before getting up.

"I'm gonna go shower." He smiled weakly. I looked at the beads of sweat on his forehead and his slightly shaking hands. What was he thinking about that made him cu* so hard that he's still shaking?

I cleared my throat and nodded.

The Camboy's Toy. [jikook] [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now