Not Over Yet

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Do Han:

Those two sure are adorable. I watched Jimin and Jungkook leave. "Let's help Jun get this video sent. This should be a nice fuck you surprise for those weirdos. I hope they choke when they see it." Hyun Ki laughed. I smiled.


I watched as Jungkook vigorously brushed his teeth and tongue before rinsing his mouth out. He playfully blew his minty breath into my face. "Better?" He asked. "Better." I nodded.
"Okay. Let's go back and help Hyun-
"No." I gently grabbed onto him.

"Still jealous?" Jungkook grinned. I could feel my face heat up as I stared back at him.
"I understand." He nodded.
He gently wrapped his hands around my waist before leaning in closer towards my face.
My eyes widened as he gently licked my lips, his wet and warm tongue dragging upwards until he pulled away with a soft chuckle.

"I'm such a fucking mess." I watched as his cheeks grew slightly red. No.... I'm the one who's a fucking mess right now......that nearly made me as hard as stone....

I nervously chuckled, hoping that he couldn't feel my desperation and excitement.
Not now Jimin.....wait a little longer.
"Let's go help them." I took a deep breath. He smiled.

Hyun Ki:

I continued reviewing the footage and editing as Jun continued to text back and forth with the people who so desperately wanted the video.
This is definitely going as planned. We all make such a good team. I couldn't help but smile.

I glanced over at Do Han who's eyes seemed empty. He was daydreaming. I gently slid my hand up his thigh, gently squeezing it.
"Hah..." he blinked harshly, glancing at me. Was that a moan?
I tried to hold in my laugh but failed miserably.
I laughed at his flustered expression. Jun glanced towards us. "I feel like everyone is having fun today except me." He sighed.

"Oh shut have fun every other day. You criminal." I shrugged, leaning back in my chair.
"Ouch. Harsh." Jun rolled his eyes.
"Although, wouldn't it be interesting to watch Do Han give me head? You'd love it." I smiled from ear to ear expecting to get another flustered reaction from Do Han.

Instead, he stared at me with dark eyes. "Oh please. Don't act like I wouldn't top first." He grinned. I opened my legs a little more, his eyes glancing towards my crotch. "You wouldn't." I playfully yawned, expressing my supposed boredom.
"Go get a room." Jun spat in disgust.

My eyes snapped towards the opening door. "My buddies are back!" I quickly sat up.


Me and Jimin held hands as we walked into the room, sitting down in some chairs next to Do Han.
"What happened? Tell me all about it?" Hyun Ki winked. "Nothing happened Hyun Ki." I chuckled.
"Jimin was just a little upset." I shrugged, glancing at him. He continued to quietly play with my hand.

"Oh... sorry about that Jimin. I don't mean any harm. It won't happen again." Jun spoke softly as he turned to face Jimin.
"I understand. It's okay." Jimin smiled softly before nervously looking away again.
"Damn he's sensitive today." Hyun Ki smiled.
"Hyun Ki." Do Han gently hit him. I smiled at the two.

"You're right. We should get back to work." He quickly spun around and tapped away on the computer.

Do Han:

Everyone left before us and I was waiting in the car for Hyun Ki to return. There was this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach and it hasn't left since Jungkook sat next to me. I'm completely devastated.
There's nothing more frustrating than this.

I'm trying my hardest to move on but every time I think I'm moving forward, I'm thrown back 10 steps.
There's just this feeling I get when he's around.
Seeing how caring and protective he is towards Jimin would make anyone fall for him.

I hate to admit it but he makes me nervous. I'm always on edge when I'm around Jungkook. No matter how strong I present myself, he could easily break me down with just a stare. One glance is enough to get my heart pounding. It's pathetic!

"Ugh!!" I shouted as I balled up my fist. Why can't I just get over him.... I felt tears gather at the corners of my eyes as I covered my face.
I'm so sorry Hyun Ki..... please forgive my selfish ways.....I'm trying....

Hyun Ki:

I rushed towards the car, not wanting to keep Do Han waiting forever. "Baby." I swung the door open.
I went silent as I watched him. "D-Do Han? What's wrong?" I got in, closing the door behind me.
I could immediately tell that something was wrong. Pretty people don't just hide their faces for no reason.

"Do Han." I gently grabbed his hand, slowly pulling it away from his face. His face was so red.
He latched onto me, his lips crashing into mine. I felt shocked. He harshly grabbed my arms as he roughly kissed me, his tongue exploring a place it's been before.

I calmly let him kiss me even though my heart was pounding like crazy. I could feel something wet as he continued to whimper against me.
"Fuck....." he pulled back. "Do Han." My eyes widened as I looked into his reddish eyes. He was crying.
"I want you" He began to unbuckle his pants.

"Wait! What the hell-
"Just do it.... make me feel....." Tears streamed down his face. My heart broke at the sight before me.
"Please just tell me what's going on Do Han. Is it something that I did?" I tried my hardest to think of something I could've done to upset him.

"No." He took a deep breath. "It's all my fucking fault. I feel like such a failure." He wiped his eyes.
"Failure? Why? Do Han....." I was confused. He stared at me, defeat spread out across his face. "I can't get over Jungkook." His eyes watered again.

Realization hit me and everything seemed to sink in. Yet, all I could do was smile gently at the broken boy in front of me. I was there before so I understand.
"That's okay. It's not easy to get over people who have influenced you so deeply. No matter what, I'll be here for you. I don't care who you date, as long as I'm in your life, I'm happy. You haven't done anything wrong." I smiled brightly, reaching out my hand.

He nervously placed his hand in mine, seemingly in disbelief. "I'll wait for you." I placed a gentle kiss on his hand.

I know how hard it was for me to get over Jimin. Knowing that he was already in love made me feel so defeated. I remember running away and having him chase me only to tell me that I was okay, I would find someone one day. He was right and ever since that day, I never looked back. Emotions are things that come in waves. They can be calm or they can be chaotic.

He just has to find a peaceful balance when it comes to Jungkook. I'll help him find that balance.


"Who do you think is getting the video?" Jimin chewed on his egg sandwich.
"I have no idea. The whole ordeal grosses me out." I shuddered. Jimin looked a little pissed off.
"You okay?" I watched him. "Yeah, I can't help but be a little angry. I'm all over the place today." He sighed.

Yeah, I bet everyone is.

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