Chapter 11 So the Battle Begins

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Stormcloud jumped the fence into the yaks pen. A wild Gronckle was herding them into one corner while several other glided in a circle above the pen.

"They're smarter than they look." I said. I rode Stormcloud to the Gronckle on the ground and smacked it in the side. I wasn't going to bring out a weapon in this battle, that would only make it worse.

The green and yellow dragon flew away with a screech. The dragons above were being pushed away by Bottonlout and Spike. At least he was doing his job.

"Hey, where do we put the animals? We can't protect them like this all day!"I heard him yell.

"In the barn!" I shouted back. Weaving Stormcloud around the back of the herd I moved the yaks out of their pen and into the open. The barn was in sight, but there was a small field I had to cross.

Large spikes suddenly enclosed the yaks. Stormcloud's face was only a few inches away. I looked up and saw a green and black Nadder swooping down, claws extended. Stormcloud scooted away thinking it was for her, but instead the Nadder flew off with a yak.

"Hit it!"I said. Stormcloud turned to the flying dragon as a purple and white fire ball flew from her mouth. It landed on the claws of the Nadder. In its pain it let go of the yak with a squeal. I was about to run after the yak, but Comet got to it first. Tigerlily neatly set it down with the herd and flew away.

"Come on."I said to Stormcloud.

"Need some help?" Bottonlout ran Spike alongside me.

"No. Your dragon can fly and you have to keep the other dragons in the air." I said to him.

"Why do you have to be so cold? Fine." He hesitated. He flew away again, to my releif. The barn was finally in upom. I stared at the sky and saw the twins along with Salmonfoot flying back and forth trying to keep the dragons off the ground.

Ahead opening the barn doors was Scythe. To be honest, I expected him to be hiding somewhere. The yaks ran blindly into the barn and Scythe and I quickly shut the doors behind them.

"You don't mind me helping?" He asked as he pushed on the door.

"I'd rather you help than us go hungry." I replied. He smiled.

"So I can help?"

"Why help the enemy?" I suspiciously asked.

"Why save the enemy?" He said. I can't beleive he brought that up.

"Fine get on."I held out a hand while on top of Stormcloud. He grasped my hand and hauled himself up. I heard the dragon give a disgusted snort.

"I don't think it likes me."He said.

"I don't think the island likes you." I smiled as Stormcloud darted off. He instatly wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. My stomach began to flutter.

Was I acually falling for him? I pushed the thought away as quickly as possible. I already had two boys on my tail, why add a third one.

"Where are we going?" He interupted my thoughts.

"Since the yaks are the only ones that didn't have any type of shelter like the chickens and pigs do, we just have to get the dragons off the ground."I explained.

"Should be easy enough."

"You sure have a lot of confidence."

"Are you forgetting where I came from. I'm the master at scaring dragons." He pointed to himself. I had to admit his family never liked dragons. My grandfather told stories of Drago Bloodvist who controlled the dragons through fear. I'm not sure of Scythe's family, but in this case it would be helpful.

Finally the chickens came into sight. I caught dragons flying away with some in either their claws or inbetween their teeth. I could easily see that they took over half the chicken. Without warning Stormcloud reared Scythe and me off and bounded to the gates. She herded the chicken into a circle and wrapped herself them.

I pushed Scythe forward when I caught him standing in awe. "This is what a dragon really is,"I said to him. "Now get out there and get rid of them!" I added.

Scythe ran ahead while I went to Stormcloud. I watched as he yelped at the dragons forcefully and they flew away at his bellow. A slender orange dragon darted through the air and above Scythe.

"What are you doing?" Comet asked, harshly.

"Helping you, unless you want all the chickens to die." Scythe said.

"Who told you you could come out?" Scythe looked over to me. In an instant Tigerlily was sitting behind Comet as he stared at me with hatred.

"You let him help?" He asked obviously angry.

"Is there any reason he can't?" I challenged Comet.

"Yea, cause he's the enemy!"

"An enemy that can help." I corrected him. Comet's face boiled with anger.

"Why do you trust him?"

"Why shouldn't I? He hasn't done anything wrong since he came here." I found myself defending one of our biggest enemy's offspring.

"He tried to kill you. I'm never going to forgive him for that. " Comet went on. I opened my mouth to protest but all I heard was a loud roar. I looked over to Stormcloud, who still had the chickens surrounded.

"Just never mind. Now help me get these dragons away." I begged Comet.

"Fine, I'll help you. " He mounted Tigerlily. "But I refuse to help him."

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