Chapter 14 Behind Iron Gates

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    The sound of my mother's voice woke me up. I lied in my bed, still half asleep, looking through my memories.
    I was on the beach with Comet, and he asked me what I was going to do. A mystery has fallen apon Bottonlout, Comet, Scythe and I. From what we know Dagger has Alto with him, the dragons has attacked Berk for the first time in 10 years, and Stormcloud's wing will be broken at best for three weeks.

"I'm too young for this." I spoke to myself. My parents and grandfather know about the note, but they have no idea who. I honestly don't want to tell them either. They would only have a meeting about it.
"Freya!" My mother called again.
   I sighed and rolled out of bed. I put on black tights, brown skirt, and red shirt. I walked over to my mirror and took down the sloppy pony tail, that's been there for Thor knows how long.

  I ran down the stairs while still trying to tie my hair in a braid. I saw that my entire family was at the table in the kitchen. There was someone I havn't seen in a while.

"Grandma!" I ran up and hugged her.

"Hello. I heard that the island ran in a bit of trouble so I decided to come and visit." She said.

"What about the ice den?" I asked.

"I'm still trying to get the dragons all better. Now the Bloodfist is out of the way I don't have so many coming in." She scowled as she said 'Bloodfist'.

"Now, Freya, eat quickly. You have school."my mom set down a plate of eggs and a peice of bread.

  I ate as slowly as possible until Grandpa gave me a death glare. When I finished Stormcloud came and nearly knocked me down as she ran to the door.

   "Love you bye!" I called as I rushed out the door.

"Oh, Freya, I forgot to-" Before I could hear what my dad had to say I shut the door. It would most likely be bad news and that was the last thing I needed.

  The red painted Night Fury above the entrance to class brought some relief to me.

"Alright class." Gobber began once he saw me and Stormcloud. "Due to recent events, I'll be teaching you how to attack dragon without killing them."

"What!" All of us shouted.

"We havn't  attacked dragons in 10 years!" I stated. I looked over to our dragons. Even they looked startled at Gobber ' s announcement.

"I know, but we won't be killing them. Just . . . Showing them not to mess with us." He said and walked off. "Since you kids will be eaten by real dragons, I have a plan."

We all watched the old man walked away before he stopped and turned to us again.

"Oh yes, I nearly forgot." He then hurried to the huge gates dragons were kept behind. Once he opened them the entire room went silent. He'll be in class from now on."
  Scythe walked out of the dark room with a serious expression. I didn't have a problem with it, as long as he didn't hurt the dragons, but I know that the class would feel the exact opposite.

"I thought he was in jail!" Comet said, proving my point.

"There was a meeting and it was decided that he'd do more good learning about dragons than rotting in a cell." Gobber sighed.

"That's where he belongs!" Buffnut shouted.

"Not according to the chief. You want to take it up with him be my guest." Gobber ' s words silenced Buffnut, but not the rest of the class.

"You acually trust him?" Bottonlout questioned.

"Hmm, one unarmed boy against the six of you, seven counting me, oh and who can forget about the six snarling dragons." Gobber retorted. I looked to our dragons and, sure enough, their glares were glued on Scythe.

"This is mad!" Comet commented.

"Not my problem. Now stay there while I get the . . ." His voice faded away while he was in earshot and that's when I knew this wasn't going to be pretty.

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