Chapter 21 The Start of the Big Picture

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I woke up, what feels like years later. Stormcloud rested her head on my leg, Bottonlout, Comet, Scythe, and their dragons all sat on one side.

I moaned as I tried to sit up and grabbed my stomach. I looked down and saw the bandages around my torso with the red blood stain.

"Oh, you're awake." I heard one of the boys say.

"Yeah, but I feel like I'm dying." I responded.

"At least you're okay." Comet said.

"How did you guys even - " I began.

"We were acually having a race around the island and when we saw you flying with Stormcloud we thought you would like to join. So when we followed you, we saw you talking with someone and, one thing led to another and now she's in jail and you're bed - ridden for a while." Scythe explained.

Stormcloud opened her eyes, exposing the purple coloration. When she relized I was awake she let out a squeaky roar and licked my face.

"Okay, okay, enough girl!" I giggled. When I saw the boy's and their smiling faces I cleared my throat and sank deeper into the bed.

"Oh no, don't mind us." Comet said and leaned back casually.

"Shut up." I muttered. Suddenly I heard the door burst open from the front of the infirmary.

"Freya, are you okay, honey?" My mom said and hugged my head.

"Mom, I'm fine." I said watching the boy's smile in amusment.

"Who did this?" My father growled.

"Some girl from Beserker Island, Hiccup. Ah, I mean, sir." Scythe corrected himself.

"What girl?" He turned back to me after glaring at Scythe. "Freya . . .?"

Now everyone's eyes were on me.

"I can explain." I said.

"I'd like to hear this." My mother said backing away from me.

"Well when we were racing I fell into the cove and then I saw . . . A friend and she stabbed me in the back. Well, stomach."

"And who is this 'friend'? My dad said.

I was about to answer before Gobber came in gasping. "Hiccup . . . Stoic . . .needs you . . . Great Hall." He then leaned back and took in a huge breath and sighed dramatically. "I'm getting too old for this."

My mom and dad hugged me once again and left. I sighed when I heard the door close and looked at the boys.

"Quite grinning like idiots." I said.

"So who was this girl any way?" Bottonlout asked.

"Remember Lit? It was her." I admitted.

"What? The traitor? Why were you with her?" Scythe asked.

"What do you mean traitor?" Comet asked him. "She didn't do anything to you."

"Well not me but. Just forget it." He said.

"Are you boys still here?" The nurse came into view with her blind dragon. It changed its scales to yellow and I couldn't help but smile.

"Damn, that dragon's good." Scythe said.

"Language, young man!" The nurse hit Scythe on the head which almost made me laugh.

"Sorry." Scythe said with a glare at the snickering Comet and Bottonlout.

What now? (Sequel to What to Do?)Where stories live. Discover now