Chapter 1 Freed . . . Almost

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A blazing, blue ball of fire shot out of Stormcloud's mouth. It blew up the base of the mast. When the dust and flying pieces of wood fell away with the wind all that was left of the base of the mast was a sliver of wood barely holding it up.

A yelp came from the sky and when I looked up a man was jumping out of the crow's nest.

"It's going to take out the ships! " Dagger screamed.

"Take that beast out!" Scythe added from behind me. The maniac had a hold of my wrist and pinned it between my shoulder blades while holding my arm with his other hand.

"Try it, see what happens." I said, gritting my teeth. Scythe peered down at me with a sneer on his face.

"I wouldn't want to break you're arm,Cutie so I suggest that you shut up. " he whispered to me. Great now he gave me a nickname.

Stormcloud either dodged Daggers men or threw them over board. She easily shot another flaming ball at the mast. A creaking sound came from all around, it seemed to echo from every direction.

Following Syth's movement, I turned around and faced the toppling mast. Screams of terror overpowered the sound of the falling pole. Scythe backed up as I followed him.

I looked over my shoulder and wondered why he hasn't let go of me and ran, I got my answer when I saw his face. His eyes were as wide as a dragon's paw and his face was so pale you would think he just witnessed his family be eaten by a Boneknapper.

Just my luck. The doofus frozen in fear and him pinning me like this means I will die too if he doesn't move!

Suddenly I was taken off balance by a mysterious force. It flew both me and Sythe across the ship. Scythe's back hit the side of the ship with a thud. Stormcloud looked down at me with gleaming eyes almost saying 'I'm so happy you're alive'.

At once I realized I was freed from Scythe's grip. Stormcloud looked down upon Scythe's face. He's was out cold. Stormcloud grunted at him before turning away and attacking the other ships.

"What are you idiots doing?" Dagger screamed out. "Kill it!"

I took my dagger from its case tied to my waist. Just as I began to run away I fell. I looked behind me and with a hand on my ankle Scythe slowly began crawling toward me.
"Make another move and I'll kill you." I threatened, raising my dagger.

"Help me..." He said before going limp. The rising and falling of his back told me he was still alive and I realized Stormcloud must've hit Scythe and that sent both of us flying. Seems like she was killing two birds with on stone. I strong wave of heat flowed over me, but this was getting hotter by the second. I turned around, fearing the worst, and saw flames of orange, yellow, and red rising from the ships. Stormcloud appeared seconds later from a gust of smoke. While Scythe was bothering me she must've set fire to the other ships.

The fire quickly spread around us both. Soldiers were scrambling around even jumping over board. Stormcloud looked at me her eyes filled with worry. She was probably regretting her decision in coating the armada in flames. I noticed Sotmrcloud wasn't looking at me but at Scythe. The flames steadily grew stronger. If we stayed here any longer, we would become nothing but a pile of ash.

"We can't leave him here..." I told myself. I ran over to Scythe just as the flames reached him. I took his arm and flung it over my neck. I carried him over to Stomrcloud who was looking at me like she couldn't believe I was stupid enough to save the enemy, and I agreed with her.

"Don't look at me like that! What was I supposed to do, leave him here?" I argued. She nodded keeping the same look on her face. "Just come on." I flung Scythe over her shoulders and hoped on her bareback. She jumped off the ship and into the water. I had to hold Scythe's body down so he wouldn't fall off. Stormcloud began swimming towards the shore. I just now noticed that the blue glow that was emitting from her scales disappeared. I guessed it happened when this started to calm down, but I couldn't be sure.

On the shore I fell to my knees and Stormcloud instantly lied down panting.

"Well the was exhausting." I sighed. I looked over to Scythe. He was just laying there like he was dead, but the rising and sinking of his chest gave away the he was alive. I didn't know weather to be happy or disappointed about it.

A loud rumbling came from over the hill, and suddenly my dad, mother, Snoutlout, Fishlegs, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Bottonlout, Comet, Scruffnut and Buffnut came from over the horizon on the backs of dragons. Before they even made over the water they stop dead in flight.

"Did we miss something?" Ruffnut asked.

"This is you're fault!" Tuffnut said hitting Ruffnut's helmet.

"Oh yea?" Ruffnut argued.

"I cant believe you two are fighting still, after all these years." Fishlegs sighed.

"You're one to talk!" Snoutlout chuckled.

"Guys, would you please focus what's at hand here?" Hiccup complained.

"It's about time you got here!" I yelled from the sandy beaches.

When I called attention to myself everyone landed almost instantly. When they did I noticed they didn't even take time to ask me why Scythe was lying on the beach, they were all gawking at Stormcloud.

I instantly regretted my decision of calling attention to myself, no, I regretted ever coming down to the beach all that time ago.

What now? (Sequel to What to Do?)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora