Chapter 7 Dragons are way Better than Boys

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      I laughed until my sides hurt. It seemed like I had more fun with Scythe and Comet than Bottonlout and Comet. Even Stormcloud and Tigerlily seemed to be having fun. After a while the two dragons got up and began playing with eachother. Tigerlily picked up a boulder and ran away while Stormcloud tried to get it away from her.

  "This is probably the most fun I've had since I joined the academy." Comet said.

"I haven't had this much fun since my mom died." Scythe admitted. Things got kind of quiet after that. I glanced at Comet and he stared at me for a second before we turned back to the laughing Scythe. Once he finally caught on to the awkwardness and stared at us both. "Has it something I said?"

"Well the mention of death can kill the mood pretty quickly." Comet said.

"What, I'm just telling the truth. I've barely laughed since my mom dissapeared like, six years ago." He said. "Dad said she died and after that he got bitter, and in turn I got bitter."

"So that's way you tried to kill her." Comet teased.

"Oh boy, here we go again. I'm sorry okay?" Scythe choked the words out of his mouth, almost gagging.

"I'm sorry what was that?" I pried.

"Okay. I'm sorry for attacking you, knocking you out, threatening to kill you, and being mean to you when you were only trying to help." Scythe listed the reasons for apology, but I noticed he left one important thing out.

"And . . ." I leaned forward hoping he would understand. He looked dumbfounded for a few seconds before sighing.

"Nope, can't think of anything else I did wrong. To you anyways." He eventually said.

"The cutie thing." I said.

"The what now?" Comet butted in.

"I'm not apologizing for that." Scythe said.

"He said what now?" I ignored Comet and set my attention on Scythe.

"And why is that?"

"Because I meant it." Things got quiet after that. I had nothing to say in response as Scythe stared at me. I used to have two guys in my life now I have three. I need a friend that's a girl! Or at least a human girl. I burst into laughter again.

"Your laughing because . . .? Do you think I'm lying?" Scythe questioned.

"No not that. I just realized all my friends are dudes. I need a human girl friend." I laughed.

"You consider me a friend." The two boys said at once. The glared at eachother before glaring at me.

"Well I consider you more of an idiot, but still a friend," I said pointing at Comet. "And you an enemy prisoner who has the potential of a friend. So call yourselves what you will."

"I'll take it. I've never had a friend before." Scythe said.

"No friends on the dark side?" Comet said.

"Ha ha very funny!" Scythe replied bluntly. "And no I didn't. I has the only one under 18 there so I had no friends."

"Lonley childhood." Comet said.

"He's no the only one." I muttered. It must've been loud enough for them to hear because they stared at me as my head lowered. Stormcloud must've noticed the change in the air. She came up to my side and nudged me. I lied my hand over her head and leaned on her. "Remember Alto?" I directed the comment to Comet.

"What about him?"

"He's the one the spread those rumors." Comet seemed to be stunned for a second. "I thought you guys were good friends back in the day."

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