Chapter 18 Clue #3

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"So why we're you really so far behind?" Comet asked as we rode out dragons back to the village.

"Just as I said : Stormcloud'swing was hurting." I said.

"Come on, Freya, we've known you for forever. That means we can tell when your lieing." Bottonlout lied sideways on Spike as we walked along.

"I think we're missing the real question." I said, trying to change the subject.

"What's that?" They asked. I tilt my head to Scythe and the Skrill he was guiding through the woods. He looked happy as he stared down at the Skrill and it was like Glisten was constantly purring.

"Well look who found their perfect match." Comet taunted.

"You two look so cute together." Bottonlout put in. I couldn't help put silently laugh at their insults.

"Shut up!" Scythe growled back. As the three boys argued,my mind drifted off to somewhere else.

I remembered that Scythe was the first one to point out the Alto was missing. If even I didn't relized that before he did . . .

"Hey, Scythe how did you know Alto was gone?" I thought out loud. He stared at me for a while before answering.

"He went to Beserker Island. That's all I'm saying." He quickly added.

"He what!" The other two boys said at once.

"A while ago he went to Beserker island. He persuaded my dad to attack your island and talked a bunch of other crap." He said.

"Why are you telling us this?" Bottonlout questioned.

Scythe didn't say anything for a minute then answered, "Consider yourselves lucky."

I saw the look on his face and I've seen it at least once. His loyalties were torn and he wanted to live with a foot in each world.

"Anyway let's just go home." Scythe said.

"Home?" I questioned.

"Shut up." He growled and saddled Glisten and rode off.

I was eating a leg of mutton at home. It was the next day and I was sitting with my family, for what seems like the first time in forever, to eat a normal breakfast of mutton, bread, and pig milk. I was nearly ready to go out and see Lit again, until a knock came from the door. My mom made her way to the front door and opened it with a creak.

"Oh, hello, Phlegma. Why have your brought these two with you?" heard my mom say. I choked on my milk and leaned back to listen, wiping my mouth with my arm.

"These three wanted to speak with Freya so badly, they came running in and practically groveled." Phlegma laughed cheerfully with my mom. By this time Stormcloud was at my side attempting to eat my mutton. I smacked her muzzle each time she opened it, but kept listening to their conversation.

"Is that so? It's nice to see Freya make some loyal friends." My mom said. "So why did they bring Scythe?" She hushed out the last name.

"The boys said they went to get him. Supposedly they're trying to make him see the light. So to speak." The two gave another laugh.

"Well I suppose we should hope for the best. Anyway come in!" She said.

Son of a Flightmare, I don't have time to deal with the three dunces. I had to go see a forbidden friend and a dragon who should be dead, and would be, if I didn't find them.

"Stormcloud let's go." I said and stood up. "Bye Dad, Grandpa. Tell Mom I love her." I told them. I was moving so fast that they sat there dumbfounded as I made my way to the door. I caught a glimpse of Stormcloud lick up the rest of my food and bound out the back door. As I shut the door, I heard my mom say, "Where's Freya?" In that tone I knew meant ' When I find her she's grounded.'

I saddled my dragon and she raced off. I kept looking over my shoulder to see if the boys were still following me as Stormcloud bound to the marketplace.

Finally there, I went up to Comet's cousin who owns the fishing booth. He greeted me with a smile and had a smug look on his lean face.

"I don't know what happened, and don't want to know." I told him as fished in my pocket for money.

"Fine I just won't tell you about what I heard about those three boys." He turned around and leaned against the counter top. I stopped moving and brought my eyes up and stared at him, wondering when he would feel my burning gaze on the back of his skull.

"Fine tell me." I put the money on the counter.

"Okay," He quickly spun around and pressed his hand on the gold coins. "Turns out that those boys are planning something secret at the cove."

"You mean Black Moon Cove." I asked.

"Yup." Black Moon Cove was where my father found Toothless. It was named that for somewhat stupid reason; because a Night Fury was black and the cove was surrounded by white moon - colored rock.

"What's going on?"

The man shrugged and brought me two small baskets of fish. I put them on ether side of Stormcloud's saddle. "They won't breath a word of it. All I know is that that cove is holding something suspicious, and they won't let anyone near it."

"Thanks anyway." I said. Stormcoud then raced to the woods with me on her back.

It wasn't long before I cried out and fell into the shallow cove. Lit was sitting with her bare feet in the water while Bluebell splashed her powerful 17 foot flippers playfully in the water. Lit noticed I was here and she ran up to me.

"I was afraid you'd never come back." She breathed.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Maybe because I'm not supposed to be here." She responded.

"Good point. Brought the fish." I turned to Stormcloud who was attempting to eat out of one basket of fish. "Bad girl!" I scolded as I took the baskets off her saddle.

I walked back to Lit and dropped one basket right beside the lake and opened one up so the piggy Night Fury could eat to her fill. Just as I thought my dragon dug her muzzle in the basket and had fish up to her eyes. Lit kicked the other basket over so that fish spilled into the lake. Seconds later Bluebell came slithering up and each head took a fish.

I couldn't help but flinch as one head turned its yellow eyes to me. Soon the other one was also eyeing me down, making me feel like prey. I heard Lit laugh and I turned around feeling a little insulted.

"Don't worry she won't bite. You. She's very sweet." Lit walked up to the SeaShoceker and patted one head.

"I've never met a SeaShocker that's sweet." I said. I saw the other head of the water bound dragon sniff at Stormcloud. In return my dragon flinched and growled at the blue face.

"I've never met a dragon who can befriend Bluebell. " Lit said as she watched the two.

"Give it time. You can't become friends over night. Remember how we got to become friends?" I asked her.

"Oh yea, I hated you when we were younger." Lit laighed.

"Right back at ya. I don't even know what I did to you."

"You did nothing. You were like one of those people you just don't like at first."

"Yea, then some guys came along, started to pick a fight, then you came." I remembered back to when we were young.

Lit laughed out and said, "They were so scared they ran away screaming. "

"Best day ever." I said. "So how did you get back here?" I asked.

"Well one day this boy came to the island. He started talking about revenge and ultimate power and stuff. Me and sevrel others thought he was crazy and the next day they were dead. I woke up and found him. He tied me up and put me a a dingy. The currents led me here." Lit explained with a distant look.

"Was his name possibly Alto?" I asked her.

"Yea how did you know?"

"Cause I know who him."

What now? (Sequel to What to Do?)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon