Chapter 12 Clue #1

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Comet was acting oddly mad from that point on. He always had one look on his face: anger. And it wasn't for the dragons.

We at least got the dragons away from the chickens. I noticed other vikings at the pig pen so Comet, Scythe and I moved on to the village. No dragons. We tried the market. None there either.

"It's over?" Comet asked to no one.

"Couldn't be. That was way too easy." I said. A shout from the Great Hall rose in the air. As our dragons ran for it I couldn't help but wonder if it was a shout of victory or defeat.

"We did it!" It said as we got closer. I hopped of Stormcloud and we pushed our way to the front of the crowd. My dad and grandfather were standing on a rock with their hands in the air. My mom was just below them with a distant look on her face.

"This may be only our first victory. I have found a note on one of the saddled dragons who are being returned to their owners as we speak." Dad announced.

"We will have a meeting in three days. For now pretend nothing happened and go back to your normal life. That means school tomorrow." Grandpa added. You could hear the students moan with distress. I could even hear Bottonlout shout, "Oh come on!"

The two got off the rock and headed for home. I caught up to my mom and she smiled with releif. She said, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Mom. Can I read the note." I asked. My mom looked concerned for a second before stopping my dad. One look and he handed over the note and she gave it to me.

'Give him back. We have it.' It read. That didn't even make since, or at least that's second part didn't.

"Freya, go back and get the animals back to their feilds." Grandpa said. I put the note in my pocket before they could take it back.

"But we just put them up!" I whined.

"Just do it." Dad laughed. "You can stay out as long as the sun is out. You know your cerfew."

"Oh and since Scythe is better take him to the jail cells. You'll still have to watch him. It'll be good for you to learn the authority." Grandpa said. The three kissed my forehead and left. I went back to Comet, Scythe, and the added Bottonlout.

"What was that about?" Scythe asked.

"None of your business." Comet hissed.

"Calm down. There's just a note. It says 'give him back. We have him.' " I said.

"That doesn't make sense." Bottonlout pointed out.

"I think I know what the first part means." Comet said with a side glance to Scythe. The two glared at eachother before looking the opposite direction.

"Yes, but it is a clue. This is one big mystery." I said.

"No kidding. It's just like my dad to do something like this." Scythe said.

"But if you think of it there's more to this." I stared at the note. "We know who it's from but we don't know what it means."

"Who does Dagger have anyway?" Bottonlout asked.

"Well that's just the first thing we have to find out." I said.

"The story has changed." Comet said.

"What story, Worm?" Bottonlout asked.

"Life, you idiot." Comet pushed Bottonlout away.

"Come on, Scythe." I said.

"Wait where are you going?" Comet asked quickly.

"Jail." I said. His faced seemed to lighten up in understanding. He obviously didn't trust me alone with him, but this wasn't the time. This dragon vs viking war isn't over yet. Not to mention the good vs evil battle.

"Are you mad at me?" Scythe asked as we walked to the edge of the island. Right at the edge of a cliff there was a cave. The cave was a jail to those who dared to hurt anyone or any dragon in Berk.

"No." I answered.

"Why not? I tried to kill you and everyone on Berk." He looked to the ground.

"Were you? Or was you father?" I asked. He seemed shocked.

"I was just doing what my dad said. He never seemed to care about me. He was always obsessed with getting revenge on Berk. He said you guys were evil and would take over with dragons and kill us all."

I turned around and faced him. I said, "In the time you've been here have you noticed anyone try to do anything evil?"

He opened his mouth but closed it again. "That's what I though."

We were nearly to the jail when Scythe started talking again. "So are you and the kid a 'thing'?" I was a little taken back at his question.

"Which one?"


"No." He had no response. The jail couldn't be closer. The silence was starting to become unbearable.

I heard a roar come from behind us. I turned around to see Stormcloud running after us. Scythe quickly turned around and took out a dagger. The dragon skidded to a halt in front of him. Before she got any closer I ran in front of him and balled my hand into a fist. I hit Scythe in the cheek and he fell back in surprise and pain.

"What the -" He said looking up at me.

"How long have you had this?" I asked picking up the dagger from the ground.

"Um . . ."

"If they found this they would've killed you." I said. Guilt washed over him and he wouldn't meet my gaze.

I sighed deeply, "Come on we're almost there."

I held out a hand to help him up and he was hesitant to take it. Eventually he did and we were walking down the path again.

I noticed a strange writing on the blade of his knife. "What does this say?" I asked.

He leaned over to see what I was talking about and answered, " It means death."

I gave him my knife out of curiosity of what he would say. It took Scythe a minute to understand I wanted him to read it. He took it from my hands and read it out loud.

"Everything they know about me is wrong?" He read.

"My grandmother gave it to me. I've had it as long as I could remember." I said. I took the knife away from him and put it back on my belt.

I could feel him staring at me. I had to do something before he relized my cheeks were getting hotter.

"If you keep staring at me you're going to fall." I ended up saying. Stormcloud helped me with my theory by shoving Scythe onto the ground.

He began to spit out dirt when he relized what happened. I laughed at the dragon's doing. I had to say, all the stuff he made me go through he deserved it.

Finally we made it to the jail cave when Scythe was still dusting himself off.

The gaurds stood at attention like I was a drill sargent.

"What are you, some kind of princess?" Scythe asked sarcastically.

"No, but I am the only daughter of the chieftain." I said. After speaking to one of the gaurds we were led to a cell where Scythe would say.

"See ya tomorrow." He said as the guard locked the door. I smiled at him and walked away. I stopped to speak to the guard.

"Treat him better than the others." I told him. He nodded in response and I left the cave that served as a jail.

I took out the note that was found on one of the dragons. I felt so stupid when I relized something about the note. Then I felt even more dumb when I relized who I havn't seen in weeks. Then I wondered to myself.

When did Dagger get his hands on Alto?

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