Chapter 20 Truth or Die

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"Lit! Lit?" I called in the cove. Bluebell was no where to be seen and Lit's shield was right where she left it, so she must be around.

Stormcloud walked behind me sniffing everything while keeping clear of the water. I wasn't surprised she still didn't trust the SeaShocker, it was the the only thing that was on its mind was 'kill'.

  "Where are you?" I asked myself.

"Freya?' She said like she was surprised to see me. I turned around and saw Lit soaking wet.

"Where were . . ."

"Swimming. With Bluebell." She quickly said.

"Right. Anyway I need to know why you were talking to those Beserkers a long time ago."

   Lit looked more curious than confused. A look of guilt flashed across her face before she cleared her throat.

"They were . . .they . . . Um . . ."

"Yea. . ."

"They were wanting me to join them." She sheepishly replied.

I wasn't really convinced, but it did seem hard for her to say. Under the circumstances I took what I could get.

  I turned to leave before Lit called out. "Wait, that's it?"

"Yup." I said facing her.

"What are you going to do know?" She asked.

"About what?"

"Dagger. He'll be coming any day now. "

"I'll figure it out." I said and mounted Stormcloud. When she tried to take off I lightly kicked her side and she took off running.

   The next morning  I layed in bed and stared at the ceiling. Stormcloud was outside probably catching mice in the backyard. With her wing ever healing I would have to make sure she'll ve ready to fly.
  The thought of finally flying a dragon of my own would make me smile from ear to ear, but the occurring memory with Lit.

"Freya! Come down here, breakfast!" I heard my mother yell.

I groaned and rolled out of my wooden bed. I walked slowly down the stairs and into the kitchen.
   It's been a long time since I saw my whole family at the table like this and I knew Mom was happy about it because she was smiling. With teeth.

  "You seem happy, Astrid." My father said and kissed her on the cheek as she put his plate on the table top.

"Well its becoming very rare for all of us to be at the table. With you two and your meetings," She gestured to Dad and Grandpa,  "and Freya with her friends."

"I wouldn't really call them friends." I poked at the cooked sheep's stomach on my plate.

"You hang out all the time, you're almost always together, you hide stuff from your parents, and you're still not friends?" Grandpa laughed.

"You're hiding stuff from us?" Mom turned to me after taking a bite of bread.

"Kids are always hiding stuff from their parents." Grandpa said. "Hiccup, here, never told me about that Night Fury of his."

"Like father, like daughter." Mom said with a glance at me.

"Now, Astrid, you have no room to talk. You never told your mother that Hiccup was your boyfriend for the longest time." Grandpa pointed out.

"Yea I had to pretend to be your long lost cousin." Dad commented.

"I never told her what we did in that cave either. Remember that time we - "

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