Into the World of Scythe

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We all stumbled out of the hospital after saying goodbye to Freya. Comet and I got stuck in the doorway and he had to stick his fat hand into my face in attempt to push him back.

"Get back, you piece of dragon dung!" He said.

"I was here first, twerp!" I told him.

"Both of you, move it! We got three days or that girl in there is dead." Bottonlout said and pushed both of us out of the doorway. No matter how much I wanted to deny it, the guy was right. Stormcloud's spit could only do so much for her, but the only thing that can really heal Freya was this scale from a dragon in the west islands.

I put my fingers to my mouth and whistled. I never would've imagined that I, the son of Dagger the Deranged, would have a dragon. A Skrill, no less. Even so, Glisten was the best dragon around. She wasn't completely trained, but her and I had a bond. Damn that sounded cheesy, but it was true.

A purple dragon, with lightning sparking between her scales came from beside the building and sat in front of me. Skrills usually only come out in lightning storms, but they love to lay out in the sun now and again. I've learned that the lighting actually charges their fire power, so when dragons used to attack Berk, they would only come during storms. Now, Glisten was a very active and very playful dragon.

"Hey, girl. We're going to go on a journey to the west islands." I told her. Sparks shot between her scales in glee and her tail whipped in the air.

"She's not a baby, Scythe." Comet said. I swear , everything I say, he has to say something else. He was never going to let go of the fact that I nearly killed Freya . . . twice. It's not like I wanted to, I was only following orders. That girl was something like I've never seen before. I would never willingly hurt her.

"I know that. Let's just get packed and leave." I replied.

"Here, take this." Six bags were dropped before our feet. I looked up. Hiccup, Astrid, and Stoik stood before us. All three were glaring at me. "The nurse told us what happened so we packed these for you." Hiccup said.

"Food, dragon nip, water, and a few other stuff is in there." Stoik said.

"And since you three have nothing but daggers, these are for you." Astrid said and dropped an axe, a sword, and a mace.

"Thank you, ma'am." I said and slowly knelt down to pick up a weapon.

"I call the mace!" Bottonlout shouted and pushed me aside.

"Then the axe is mine." I said and picked it up.

"I guess I'm the only civil one here." Comet said and picked up the sword. Freya's family walked passed us and into the hospital.

We all attached the bags to our dragon's saddles and the weapons to our backs.

"As much as it pains me to say - Scythe, lead the way." Comet said as he saddled his Changewing.

"Just keep up, twerp." I replied. Glisten took off faster than lightning.

I have no idea how long it's been, but I was considering drinking the sea water.

"It's been hours. How much longer!?" Bottonlout shouted from behind.

"I told you it takes a day and a half to get there!" I shouted back at him.

"I know what to do to pass the time." Comet interrupted. "Trust Fall : Dragon Edition."

"what?" Was all I got to saw before Comet's Changewing dashed for me and knocked me out of my saddle.
"You son of a -" Glisten roared and dashed down after me.

I landed backwards on the saddle and I heard the cackle of Comet and Bottonlout.

"Fire." I said to Glisten right above the water. "Right next to Tigerlily's face."

The purple dragon opened her mouth and a blue lighting streak shot next to the Changwing.

Tigerlily screeched in fear and bucked Comet off.

"Ha, that's what you get!" I called as he was caught in the jaws of Tigerlily.

"Jerk." He said.

"You started it."

"Both of you shut up! Freya is slowly dieing and us fighting is not making it better!" Bottonlout shouted behind us.

"Since when were you the mature one?" Comet asked.
Bottonlout didn't answer, but I saw that his eyes were glassy and his fists were balled.

I sighed. "You guys must really like this girl."

"Don't you?" Comet asked me.

"Of course!" I cleared my throat. "I mean why wouldn't I. What I'm asking is why do you like her?"

"Her beutiful red hair and lightly freckled pink cheeks." Bottonlout sighed and stared at nothing.

Comet and I turned around and looked at him like he just laid an egg.

"But have you seen those curves on her, I mean how can you not like that?" He nervously laughed.

"Of course you would say that. You don't care for her smarts, her mystery, and her inner strength." Comet scoffed.

"Inner strength?" I asked.

"Some idiot named Alto ruined her life when they were young." Comet answered.

I stopped Glisten immediately. "Alto? Blonde hair, yay big?"

"Yea why?" Bottonlout asked.

"He may or may not be the person who came to Berserker Island and talked a bunch of smack causing my dad to rage war on you." I said.

"What?" Comet and Bottonlout exclaimed.

"My dad was somewhat against it, surprisingly, but after a while he wanted to get revenge." I explained.

"So your dad's the one sending the letters?" Comet asked.

"I don't think he's sending all of them. My dad wouldn't do that, he doesn't like to do that sort of thing. More of the element of surprise type of guy." I said.

"So Alto is sending the letters, but how?" Bottonlout asked.

"Well . . . There's Lit." Comet said.

"Yea but she's in jail, and her dragon is sea - bound." I reminded him.

"But there hasn't been any notes lately, without Lit there was no way he could send them unless there was another dragon attack." Comet said.

"I think we figured out what we're going to do when we get back." Bottonlout said.

"For now we have to get to the west mountains." Comet said and raced past me.

"Idiot, you don't know where you're going." I said and raced after him.

"Don't leave me behind!" I heard Bottonlout call after us. Somehow, this has turned into a race and I'm the only one who knew where they were going.

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