Chapter 29 Figured it Out

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The night continued on. We eventually made it to the jail and landed a few meters away. The dragons stayed outside as the rest of us went up to the entrance. All of the plus us wouldn't fit inside.

"Here to bring the prisoner in for the night?" One guard asked.

"No." I answered. "We're here to see one."

The guard looked confused for a moment, but eventually stood aside.

The four of us walked past the cells. Most were emtpy, but some were filled with vikings that have done this island wrong.

"Hey! Watch your back, kid!"

"Bet you feel safe with us locked in here, huh!"

"Die in a hole!" Shouted the prisoners. I ignored every one if them. I've heard them all before and worse. The boys, though, looked like they were going to explode out of anger and fear.
I kept going to the back were it began to get darker and darker.

I stopped once I got to the cell I was looking for and hit the bars. The sharp sound echoed and I looked inside the black cell. There was no movement what so ever.

"Gaurd." I got the attention of one of the many guards standing watch over the prisoners.


"Where's the most recent prisoner?"

"In that cell." He pointed to the cell that I stood in front of.

"Then why can't I see anything?"

"It's only dark, lassie." He said and pulled off a chain of keys from his belt. He loudly opened the cell. He walked in a ways and turned back around and shock and guilt.

"You lost her!?" Comet shouted.

"I don't know how, but she escaped. There are always some guards that are outside at least." The gaurd created excuses.

At the sound of the commotion several more guards appeared.

"Well don't just stand there, find her!" I ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" They all said and fleed.

"Great what are we going to do now?" Bottonlout threw his hands in the air in frustration and began pacing.

"Shh." I said once the guards were out of earshot. "Don't you smell that?"

"Smell what?" Scythe asked after sniffing the air.

"Sulfur. " I walked up the the wooden bed and pushed it away. Hidden underneath was a deep dark hole and the smell of smoke.

"There only one thing that can make a hole like that." Bottonlout said.

"A shovel?" Scythe guessed.

"Whispering Death." Comet corrected.

"Dagger's got a hold of dragons." I added.

"Last time someone had dragons they killed hundreds. " Bottonlout said.

"Berk nearly ended." Comet's voice went dark as well as his eyes.

"End. Wait end!" I gasped. The boys looked at me in shock at my sudden burst of energy. "End is another word for demise! "

"Yes, and ...?" Scythe looked to me.

"Get to your dragons. I need to figure something out." I lead them outside and onto the dragons in minutes and were in the air.

I put my hair back in its sloppy braid and turned when Comet got my attention. "Where are we going?" He asked.

I looked down. "Um ..."

Scythe flew up beside me and glared, "Freya ..."

"You're not going to like this, but ..."

"I knew it, " Bottonlout interrupted, "she's going to kill us."

" No she's not. " Comet insisted. "Where are we going?" He asked me.

"Beserker Island."

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