Chapter 19 Epiphany

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I walked into the village with Stormcloud on my heels. There was a small part of me that was happy because I could take the cast off of my dragon's broken wing, but that feeling was blocked out by the thought that Alto went a - wall and somehow escaped to Beserker Island.

I had to tell my dad. But then I'd have to tell him how I knew. It's not like he'd listen anyway, he was too busy with some of the missing dragons and meetings about who knows what.

Once again I was left alone in one of the most dangerous wars in Berk history since the dragon vs viking days.
Images flashed in my mind of all the dragon dung I've been in.

The boar attack, the other boar attack, being punched in the face by Bottonlout, Alto kissing me.
I shivered.
My parents being almost beaten to death, risking going out to see Stormcloud, the first day of school, kissing Comet . . .
I sighed.
The fire, saving Scythe, having to take care of Scythe, finding Lit, and now learning that we've been betrayed!
I was way too young to be doing this on my own. Then again, I'm a viking. We're relentless creatures and thick headed.

If I was going to have to do this I wasn't going go do it alone. I still had to babysit Scythe, but thanks to him now being in class I didn't have to do it so often. Speaking of which, my dad told me it would now vary. If only it was like that all the time.
I hoped we wouldn't have class for the next few days because I've got enough on my plate.

"Come on, Stormcloud," I said. "Let's see if Gobber can help me get that cast off."

Stormcloud instantly perked up. I knew she hated having that cast on as much as I do.
I had to sprint to keep up with that dragon as she made her way to the Great Hall.

Stormcloud scratched at the huge double doors. I pushed her dark gray head aside so I could push open one of the doors.

"What are we going to do Stoik?"I heard Gobber ask. I froze. "Dragons are dissapearing, school is practically once a week, and the people are wanting answers. "

"I know!" I heard Grandpa shout. I peeked one side of my head in and I saw Dad sitting on one of the long tables, Gobber leaning against the biggest table in the middle, and my Grandpa pacing between them.

"What can we tell them? We have no leads. Maybe Dagger was bluffing to freak us out." Dad suggested.

"Maybe." Gobber whispered.

"No, Dagger isn't like that. He's mad! He'd be giving us some type of messages. He knows it will send us on edge and  chaos leads to opportunity." Grandpa said.

"But what. All we know is that dragons are acting like before." Dad said. I knew what he was talking about. About 15 years before I was born, some crazy dude tried to control the dragons.
I thought just occurred and I backed out. No wonder Bluebell was in the forest. She could barely survive on land much less travel across it. If she was on land when Lit found her that must mean what's happening before is happening again.

All the pieces were finally coming together. I just had to figure out a few more things.
I decided to go in before I got caught eve's dropping.

"Gobber?" I sheepishly said.

"Yes?" He answered. I noticed how all of them got stiff when I entered.

"I was just wondering if you could take Stormcloud's cast off."

"Oh of course." He said. He led us both out and I saw him give a glance to my dad and Grandpa.

"Anymore dragon dissapearences?" I asked once we got to the saddle making shop the family ran to make extra money.

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