Chapter 30 Meet Your Demise

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Comet stared in disbelief. "I stand corrected. She is going to kill us!"

"No I'm not! At least, not intentionally."

"Beserker Island! I can't go there, and you definitely can't go there." Scythe said.

"I know I know. But I want to get some solid evidence. I can't just go to my father with something that's not concrete." I said.

For a while, all that could be heard was the rushing wind and the sound of my heartbeat. I knew this was risky, and we may die or be captured, but I wasn't going to let Lit go without a battle. Besides, I still have to figure out if my conclusion was correct.

I looked down at the icy black water and watched it flail around. I was about to look up until I saw something steadily moving over the waves.

"A SeaShocker?" I said aloud.

"With someone on it." Comet added.

He was right. When I looked closer there was a small body on top of the SeaShocker. Stormcloud noticed too and growled.

I patted her on her ear flaps, but that was a moment before she dove down and I had to hang onto her neck to keep from flying off.

The face of Lit peered up in horror as Stormcloud lached her claws over her shoulders and hauled her into flight.

"Put me down, you bitch!" She shouted.

"Oh that hurts." I put my hand over my chest. "Stormcloud, you can just eat her now."

"No!" She cried in protest.

"Come one Freya don't do that. Let Spike have some of her too." Bottonlout said.

"No no no! I'll do whatever you want." Lit promised.

"I don't know. How do we know you're not lieing?" Comet soared below her and glared at her.

I noticed that Scythe was staying out of this and not only that, but he was flying above me.

"I promise I won't do anything, I swear just don't hurt me!" She begged.

"Hmm. Fine." I agreed. "Where's the closest island?"

"North." Comet said and our dragons veered north and eventually we came to a tiny island.

As we landed Stormcloud accidently let go off Lit who frantically ran towards the forest. She didn't get very far. Spike heavily landed on her back and brought her down. He then sat on her nearly like a chicken and croaked.

"Why are you doing this?" She asked in a strained voice.

"That's a dumb question. " Comet said as he layed down a pile of wood. "You nearly killed our friend and are a traitor to our island. They'll make a special jail cell for you."

"No please, I was just following orders!" She pleaded.

"Whose?" I asked.

"Dagger's. When I refused to come with them after what happened they kidnapped me and took me to Dagger. He threatened to take Freya's life if I didn't do what he said." She spoke in puffs of breath like she was exhausted.

"You nearly killed her! You literally stabbed her and I had to go in search of a tiny - ass mole dragon to save her life with these idiots!" Scythe shouted as he finally came out of the shadows.

"Scythe? What are you doing here, your father's worried sick about you!" Lit looked to Scythe in amazement, but he kept a steady gaze.

"I want nothing to do with my father. I love it with them, even though some are annoying and my father's trying to destroy the island." Scythe said and crossed his arms. "The only reason I'm going back is because of her, but I don't intend to stay."

"You're a traitor. " Lit gasped.

"You're one to talk." Comet snapped.

"Whoah, what are you guys doing here?" I heard an oddly familiar voice say.

I quickly turned around and saw the blonde hair of the twins, with their Zippleback tailing behind them.

"Scruffnut, Buffnut? What are you doing here?" I gasped.

"This is our destruction island. " Buffnut said.

"The chief threatened to kick them out if they burned another building. " Salmonfoot said. "What are you doing here? With them?"

"Oh, nothing." Bottonlout chuckled.

"The twins might fall for that, but I'm too smart." the skinny boy said.

"Screw this. We're going to Beserker Island because we think Dagger's got a hold of dragons, and she's taking us to him and Scythe is a friend." I explained.

"Cool. I'm glad you invited us." Salmonfoot smiled and walked over to us.

"Wait, we didn't invite you." I tried to get them to leave. The more people we had the more of a chance we had to get caught.

"Come on, Freya. " Comet said as he slung an arm around my shoulders. "It's been a while since we had the whole gang together. "

"Fine." I said. "Lets just go."

"Wait! What about my dragon?" Lit wailed.

"I'm sure she'll follow us. Besides, our dragons aren't really fond of SeaShockers." I said and mounted Stormcloud.

With Lit in our grasp and three extras we began the long journey to Beserker island. It would take a few days at least. Everything was going well until my stomach burned like fire.

I cried out in pain as I put my hand over the lump in my stomach. It was the scale that the boys shoved into my body and skin grew over in a couple days. Thanks to the nurse and Stormcloud's weird spit, I healed quickly, but now it was hurting.

"Freya!" Scythe called and halted Glisten who now flew next to me.

"The damn scale you put on my body burns!" I screamed.

"Quickly, land." Comet called.

All the dragon and riders surrounded me once we landed on one of the rock collums that dotted the sea. At least this one was fairly big with trees and rocks that provided shielded us from the wind.

"What do we do?" Bottonlout asked.

"Cut it out!" Salmonfoot began to panic.

"Oh, I have a knife." Scruffnut chimed in.

"There is no way in hell I'm letting you two near me with a knife!" I hissed.

"We might have to cut it out." Comet said to himself.

"Dammit. Scythe give me your hand." I said.

"Um, ok." He said and held out his hand. I took a knife out of my boot and bit into Scythe's hand. He flinched and winced but nothing more. They all made a face when I cut a line in my belly and I bit harder into Scythe's hand. I put only two fingers under the peice of flesh and closed my eyes, disgusted at the feeling, until I came to something hard. I knew it was the scale and once I pulled it out from my body, I couldn't see and I couldn't feel.

Was this what it felt like to die?

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