Chapter 27 Today

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"Thank you." I said to Bottonlout and Scythe once Comet round them up. In a flash I couldn't breath. Four meaty arms were wrapped around my neck and and chest.

Even Stormcloud seemed to be sorry. She buried her head into her paws and her lilac eyes were glassy.

"You finally spoke." Scythe said after kissing my cheek.

"Okay enough of the reunion." Comet pried the two boys off me with an added glare to Scythe.

"Acually." I said. "I need to speak with Scythe alone."

A flash of fear crosses the faces of Bottonlout and Comet. Ignoring it, I grasped Scythe's hand and dragged him away.

I only let him go when we were halfway to the jail.

"Is there a reason you brought me here?" Scythe asked.

"Yea. Who were you talking to yesterday? " I asked sternly.

Scythe's face hardened and he clenched his fist. "I'm going to kill Comet!"

Glisten's scales flashed with lightning as she bared her teeth, picking up on Scythe's rage.

"Not before I kill you! Who were you talking to?" I demanded.

"Alto! They caught him by Shipwreck Cove." Scythe explained.

"What? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"Your parents thought it would be best that you didn't put any strain on your body after you got hurt." Scythe said and shrank back.

"Any strain. I was stabbed by my friend that's now my enemy, I've nearly been killed multiple times, and many more things that should've made me go insane, and you guys thought it best to not tell me the person behind most of that is in jail!?"

"Yes? We just thought either you would get hurt or you would hurt him. And they need him alive. "

"Though I want to hurt him, I can't. But I can talk to the peice of dragon dung." I said and walked the rest of the way to the cave that served as a jail.

"Freya, what are you even going to say to him?" Scythe asked trying to catch up to me.

"Where's Alto's cell?" I asked the gaurd in front of the door.

"In the back." He said in a deep voice.

"Freya slow down!" Scythe said, still chasing after me.

"Why should I?"


"That's a dumb answer. " I said and finally made it to the back of the cave.

"Long time no see, baby." Said a mischievous voice.

"So you finally got caught." I said and leaned on the heavy metal bars the kept me from kicking his ass.

"I wouldn't say that. More of a plan B." He said.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Scythe asked harshly standing next to me.

"Ah one of those three annoying boys. I heard what happened with you, Freya. I send my deepest apologies. " Alto said.

"When did you become a super villan. And what's with your voice?" Scythe shifted around in discomfort.

"What I've been through, you'll never be the same. Suffering, jelousy, revenge..." Alto listed.

"Hold in how did you find out what happened?"

"Ask your little friend there." Alto nodded to Scythe.

"What did you do?" I whipped my head around to him.

"Well funny story. I kind of asked him what he knew about Lit, then he wanted to know why, so I told him."

I loudly sighed. "What did he say then."

"I didn't send Lit off because she went against me, I sent her off to be my little messenger." Alto answered for Scythe.

"What do you mean messanger? How could she be with a flightless dragon?" I asked.

"I geuss you'll just have to find out on your own, baby." Alto got inches away from my face and it took all of my self-control to keep from punching him.

"Hey, Alto, I have a proposition for you." I said.

"What is it?"

"It's a game. "

"Why should I play?"

"Because, there's a reward."

"It's listening."

"If you win, then I'll do anything you say. "

"I like it -"

"But," I interpreted him. "If I win, you stop this thing and leave the island alone."

"What are the rules?"

"There is none." I answered Alto.

"Alright, Freya, you got yourself a deal." Alto held out his hand through the bars.

"Then it's settled." I met his hand and shook it once.

As me and Scythe walked out of the jail, I knew he wanted to say something. He was twittering his fingers and darting his eyes.

As the blinding sun hit my eyes u sighed. "If you want to say something than say it."

"What the hell is wrong with you!?" Scythe blurted out.

"Trust me I know what I'm doing." I responded.

"You can't do this! It's moronic and suicidal."

"Come on, just go along with it. It might be fun." I twing of a smile spread on my lips.

"You're insane."

"You have to fight fire with fire."

"You are insane..." Scythe repeated.

"Oh yea.. I forgot to tell you."


"Meet me at Shipwreck Cove at 2 : 00 am."


"Well, funny story..." I giggled. "I'm planning for us to go to Beserker Island."

"You're insane!" Scythe announced.

What now? (Sequel to What to Do?)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें