Chapter 23 Death Knocking at my Door

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   I woke up with the growling of StormCloud. I opened my eyes and she jumped back.

"What is it, girl?" I asked. She did nothing but licked my face and lay back down on my leg.

    I wiped my cheek of her spit and sighed. It's been two weeks since my so - called friend stabbed me. My wound has not gotten any better. With thanks to Stormcloud's weird spit and the nurse and her dragon, the bleeding had stopped, but it still hurt like a fiery death when touched.

  I've hated each day. Everyday the boy's would come by at dawn and leave at dusk. I couldn't move, barley could eat, and was in pain most of the day.

"Hey Freya!" Bottonlout greeted me as the three walked in.

"Hmm." I huffed in reply.

"The nurse said she'll be bringing in Gothi to check out the hole in you gut." Sythe said.

"Can you be anymore insensitive?" Comet pushed the dark clothed boy who was in front of him.

"Don't push me, wimp!" Sythe stated and turned around to face Comet.

"Boys! No fighting!" The nurse said. She came to the side of my bed and smiled while the boy's took their usual spots. Comet sitting beside the head of the bed, Scythe sitting at the foot of the bed, and Bottonlout on the wall across from the center of the bed.

"Freya, I brought Gothi to come see about the wound of yours." The nurse said with a sweet smile. 

   A short stubby woman with grey hair walked into view. She shakily smiled her greeting. It's said when Gothi was young she doubted the gods so they took her voice to prove their power. After that dramatic experience she became a shaman, to better understand the gods and one day, possibly, regain her voice.

   The nurse had unraveled my bandages and stepped away. Gothi came beside me and was taken back. She slid her fingers across Stormcloud's weird spit and rubbed it inbetween her fingers. She sniffed and eyed it before throwing a handful of dirt on the ground from a pouch on her pants. She took her staff and drew strange markings in the dirt.

   "Does anyone know how to read Gothi writing?" The nurse asked.

"You don't?" I asked her.

"I don't get to do much while I'm taking care of the patients." The nurse admitted.

"I do, a little bit." Bottonlout volunteered.

"You do?" Comet asked astonished.

"I had to do something while I was grounded for a month. Okay," Bottonlout walked over to the dirt, "It says ; what is this?"

I turned to Gothi. "It's from Stormcloud. She has this weird spit thing that stops bleeding."

  Gothi waved her hand in the sand, erasing her last words and then drew new ones.

"It's not just any spit." Bottonlout wrote while Gothi wrote. "It's called Healing Mucus. Few dragons have it. It's said this could kill all." He finished.

"Kill?!" Comet, Sythe, and I all said at once.
   Gothi hit Bottonlout's head with her staff and pointed at the dirt again.

"Oh, heal." Bottonlout corrected himself.

"Idiot." I sighed. "So this spit can heal me?" I asked the old shaman. She shook her head grimly and began to write more.

"No. With a wound like that it will only prolong death." Bottonlout read.

"So I'm going to die?" The thought shook my brain and heart. I wanted to puke with the knowledge that I'm going to see white.

"Wait there's more."

"Why didn't you tell me, Bottonlout."

"She says there's a dragon. In the west islands. The dragon has no name, but if we can find it just one scale will do."

"Okay, we can find a dragon." Scythe shrugged.

"Not done. She says that it may be small but it's very deadly. One bite could kill us."

"Aside that fact, we've never been to the west islands." Comet pointed out.

"Well . . ."

"We've never been to the west islands, right?" He turned to Scythe.

"Let's just say it was before I came to this island. Anyway it'll take about three days to get there and back." Scythe said.

"But she'll be dead in three days." The nurse gasped.

 The boys didn't even wait for her to finish. They said their goodbyes faster than a SpeedStinger and were out the door. I didn't like the fact that those boys hold my life in their hands, but I guess I have no choice. Those three are going to be my heroes. Or the ones to send me to my death. May the gods have mercy on me. 

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