Chapter 17 Frinemy

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Half of me said to run, but it was out weighed by the other half screaming to stay. The Beserker shield I was staring at seemed familiar.

I suddenly remembered. The iron rim around the wooden shield was lined with eagle feathers. There was only one person I knew who had a shield like that, but she was banished from the island because of betrayal.

Lit used to be in the village and my friend until she was caught with Alvin. All respect for her was lost and she was banished from the island. I have no idea where she went, but now she's back here?

"Stormcloud, we should - Whoa!" I was backing up to Stormcloud before a force pushed me to the ground. I felt a point at my throat and I held my breath. I heard Stormcloud growl in anger, but then I was pulled to my feet.

"Come any closer and I'll kill her." Said the girl.

"Who are you?" I strained to stay with the knife at my throat.

"That's not important. What is important is that you're here when you're not supposed to be." She said.

If she was who I think she was, she should know the one thing that I do.

" Let the wind carry us to the clouds, hurry up, alright." I sang. I felt the girl tense up so I continued. " We can travel so far as our eyes can see. We go where no one goes. We slow for no one." I continued to sing nervously and quietly. If any heard me I would die of embarrassment.

"Get out of our way." The voice sang softly behind me. "Freya, please tell me its not you." She said. I felt the knife leave my throat and turned around.
Lit wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She was who I thought she was after all. To be honest I didn't like that fact that she left and missed her. With recent events I mostly forgot about Lit, but I wanted to know why she was here.

"I can't believe that worked." I laughed.

"You always did know how to hit people where it counts." Lit smiled. Her brown hair was pulled back into a ponytail that lied on her back. Her blue eyes sparkled with happiness as she looked at me.

"It's been a while." I finally said.

"No kidding. It's been, like, two three years ago I was banished." She said. I was surprised she could say that so easily.

"Why are you here, though. That's the exact opposite of banishment." I said.

"Oh I see how it is. I thought you'd be happy to have me back." She turned her back to me.

"That's not what I meant, Lit." I said. "But seriously, why are you here?"

"Well you see, when I was banished the Beserkers took me in. Then I ran away and I ended up here." Lit explained.

"And the Sea Shocker?" I looked at the dragon swimming in the lake.

"I found her when I came here. Since I really couldn't go back to the village, I've been spending the past three months here." She said.

"One more question. How the heck did a Sea Shocker get in the middle of the woods?"

"No idea. I found it on land, actually, and pushed her here."

"And it didn't eat you?"

Lit looked annoyed for a moment before taking me by the hand. "Come here."

When by boot crushed the sand Stormcloud suddenly rushed over in front of me. "What's the matter, girl." I asked her. Beside me, Lit jumped back and grabbed her knife.

"What is that thing?" She asked.

"Haven't you ever seen a Night Fury before?"

"Not up close."

I forgot that Lit had spent over a year without seeing any dragons. I guess a female Night Fury was a bit much.
  "Oh yea. Stormcloud this is Lit, Lit Stormcloud." I introduced the two.

Stormcloud suddenly roared and bounded over our heads. When I turned to the lake I saw the two heads of the Sea Shocker poked out of the murky water.

"Freya this is Bluebell, Bluebell Freya and Stormcloud. " Lit introdued.
A horn echoed in the distance and I knew someone won the race. When I looked at Lit she had a scowl on her face. "What are you doing here anyway, Freya?" She asked.

"Racing. And your lucky that I found you instead of someone else." I added.

"Thank Thor." Just as I saddled Stormcloud and turned to leave Lit called out. "Hey Freya, can you come here tomorrow and bring some fish?"

I smiled. "Sure." Stormcloud ran away from the lake and I got a sinking filling.
First I was helping a dragon who was trapped under rocks and now I'm helping a traitor bound to a lake because of a dragon everyone was afraid of. What next, I find one of the gods?

"I'm so dead." I whispered to myself. "Not to mention I'll have to explain why I'm so far behind."
I groaned and fell back onto Stormcloud's tail bone as she kept running.

Soon we came to an opening in the woods and we were in the plains with rolling hills. Everyone was standing in a line beside Gobber who held a horn.
"Why are you so late?" He asked.

I searched my brain for a few seconds and answered, "Stormcloud's wing. She couldn't move for a while."

Gobber didn't look convinced, but he didn't  say anything. He turned around and lifted up Salmonfoot's arm and said, "Congratulations to the winner!"

I was sad because I lost to Salmonfoot, but glad that I have someone to call friend who's not an idiot.
There's only one thing I'm worried about in this and I think Stormcloud feels it to. I'm afraid that's it'll end up like Stormcloud; I'll be caught and she'll be found, but what's worse is that I'll be in more trouble than the twins ever have been, and Lit and Bluebell will most likely be killed.

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